When I was a kid, I used to think antidisestablishmentarianism was the longest word on earth. Until supercalifragilisticexpialidocious came along. I have not counted the letters in either of those words but I think the “super” one looks longer. Well except it is not a real word.
A meme I loved today, aimed at Trump, was “supercallousfascistracistextrabraggodocious”. I kinda think that “word” is even longer than the Mary Poppins word but I am not gonna count the letters. If you couldn’t parse that “word”, try “super callous fascist racist extra braggodocious”.
Okay. As much as I would like to call Trump a fascist or a racist, I cannot attest to whether he is either of those. He may know what a racist is but I’m not sure he knows what a fascist is. Heck, I can’t exactly define “fascist” either although I well know that my father, uncle and father-in-law and so many other folks mustered to war against Hitler’s fascism (and some other things). One of my points here is that we can’t talk about this stuff unless we understand the definitions of various words, especially all of the isms. And there are many of them.
But Trump definitely IS callous and braggodocious. Callous? Can he run a presidential campaign (or anything) without slinging insults at anyone/everyone he can think of? We all know he can’t because this is his third presidential campaign. Is that a good way to run for president? You know what I think and some of you don’t agree but I STILL don’t understand why you support him. Aren’t you taaaared of him? I sure am.
Going on on to braggadocious? Okay. Just the fact that he compares his appearance with Kamala’s is… Just for one thing, he’s a better looking person than Kamala? Nope. He is fugly. And she really isn’t. But who cares who is better looking and why is this even a talking point? I can’t see that he brings anything to the table with this kind of crapola. Good looks is certainly something he does *not* bring to the table. So why does he talk about it? Does he have nothing substantive to say? No. He never has.
P.S. The pic is optically zoomed in to the sunset with contrails in the sky and the Kaye Barker lake freighter going up or down into Lake Superior, I can’t remember.
August 22nd, 2024 at 10:19 pm
You get the best sunset pics! I don’t think T. knows what he is or what he believes; he just says stuff to get attention.