Flush twice if necessary

Well, that sometimes happens with Eco-terlet down at the Landfill. It never happens at the moomincabin. TMI?

I was heartened to hear from a day-trip traveler to Tahquamenon Falls that there seemed to be more Harris-Walz signs than Trump-JD signs along the way. This was a totally unscientific survey but the yooperland is largely Trump country although I know plenty of people who live here who ABHOR Trump. I’m in a bit of a bubble in that way. I also know people who support Trump, which I will never understand. So I was a bit heartened to hear about that about the signs but we have a way to go until November and I am not gonna let myself get too optimistic.

I think we really need to call Trump out more. This afternoon I heard someone on NPR say that Kamala was guilty of word salad. Say what? I am not an expert on Kamala’s speeches but, um, TRUMP is the KING of word salad. I can guess that Kamala might try to over-explain various things. I do that. That is not *anything* like what Trump does which is to spew random crapola whether it makes sense or not. I noticed this in 2016 and when I tried to point it out to people they basically looked PAST me.

We need to call him out when he does idiotic, ridiculous things. Why are we normalizing his ridiculous behavior?

The pic was my fave text of the day. It’s Green Bags. We needed more of those. I asked the GG to pick some up since he was going past the tribal gas station today. He hemmed and hawed a bit but my daughter got the drift and she reminded him that they needed to stop at the tribal gas station to pick some up. We’ve had a bit of a fruit fly problem here the last few days and WE NEEDED THEM.

One Response to “Flush twice if necessary”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I’m torn about calling him out more which gives him more attention. Argggh. There does seem to be a definite double standard on what he can get away with.