I am NOT a tiger

I loved Margaret’s comment yesterday and it got me thinking/remembering so I’m gonna respond to it. So my mouse (younger daughter) is actually smiling in yesterday’s photo. I can see how that could be misinterpreted. She loved that costume. I made a mouse costume that matched Her Mouse, a puffalump aminal that still exists. She carried that mouse and an identical mouse (long story why we had the second one) around all night. I think one of them got dropped in The Burke’s Yard of Dynamite next door but the GG was on the ball and grabbed it.

My mouse was 2-1/2 in yesterday’s pic and 1-1/2 in today’s. She received her mouse for her first xmas (8 months old). She didn’t totally bond with “Speedy Water Janet Pop Mousie Mushroom Ears” until her second xmas. We were at a cFam xmas party and she had her mouse and her cousin GRABBED it away from her. He was innocent in that he is a few months younger than my mouse, had received the SAME mouse for HIS first xmas, and he thought SHE had HIS mouse. Someone mitigated the situation and my two mousies (human and puffalump) have been inseparable ever since. There is a third kind of mouse, a Scurry Mouse. Y’all probably know about those.

Where the heck am I going here?

The Halloween before yesterday’s pic she was 18 months and I made the awful mistake of making her a Tiger Costume. Why did I not know that she was a mouse? I am not sure. I mean she seemed to have a tiger’s personality, right? She still does. The mouse that roared maybe!

So I don’t think she cared what her costume was that much but who knows. I don’t think she totally understood what Halloween was all about that year. Every house she trick-or-treated at, she noticed the shoe pile by the front door and yelled “Shoe on, shoe on!” The reason for that would be too long a story for tonight or maybe ever. But she definitely figured out what was going on as she collected candy.

I think she mainly hated wearing the hat, which she has obviously pulled off. This kid. It would be 10 degrees and windy as all getout and I would bundle my kids up in snowsuits and hats and boots and mittens and all to go to the grocery store. By the time we made the short walk from the Exxon Tanker Valdez (1989 Plymouth Voyager) to Kroger, my mouse would have pulled her hat off. Okay, call Child Protective Services on me if you will but when you have a spirited child, you pick your battles.

One Response to “I am NOT a tiger”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Picking battles is a good rule of thumb. Both my girls were tigers several years in a row and wore the same outfit; it saved me money that both of them loved cat costumes.