
I don’t have a Kamala magnet but I really am with her. As I was with Hillary. And I am ALWAYS with Lady Liberty.

Alas I am not very optimistic. As I tried to explain (not very coherently, I don’t think) to MMCB at Zoom Coffee this morning, it is a *gut* feeling. It is not based on polls, as if I could even begin to interpret polls. I mean, I am a big ol’ nerd but polls are not in my techie bailiwick.

It’s just that no matter what awful things Trump says and does (and I’m not gonna list them today), he always seems to be forgiven. Okay, one example. The trope “Biden sounded like a doddering old man in the debate”. Guess what? Trump sounds like that almost every time he opens his pie-hole (unless he is name-calling or spewing hate speech or talking about how great he is or…). But who was forced to drop out of the race? So much for not listing Trump’s horribility.

That turned out okay (for me), because I really like Harris. I’ll list those reasons another day. Really.

I got the weird feeling that MMCB was looking to me for, I dunno, reassurance maybe, that it would all come out okay and Kamala would win. This kind of surprised me because both women are very well educated and actively participate in local politics. Which I don’t really except to research and vote. For school board candidates this election, I sent the candidates MMCB2 has been working with for MONTHS to anyone who asked who didn’t know which school board members to vote for. Maybe MMCB is wondering what my ancient Celtic spidey senses are telling me? Ook, not anything good.

I couldn’t provide reassurance but again, it’s just my gut feeling, not based on data except maybe the previous experiences my own personal database (aka my brain) keeps track of. Yeah, I know Trump lost the last election but a lot of weird things have happened since then and whatever the Orange Baboon does, people seem to enable him and his cult continues to adore him. And it IS a cult. “Oh that Trump. He is such a card. He’s just funnin’ you.” Vomit.

For better or worse, seeya on the other side. Whenever that may be…

Confidential to the GG, who has just turned on the TV: I will still love you no matter who wins but I may need some space…

One Response to “Her”

  1. Margaret Says:

    My mom says that the US isn’t ready to elect a woman. She may be right. You know I agree with you about 45; he is a real piece of work and I’m sad and embarrassed to live in this country sometimes. Most of the rest of the world is looking at us disbelievingly, saying, “WTF” in a multitude of languages. Don’t get me wrong, they have right wing leaders there, but not ones that are so obviously incompetent, corrupt, senile and vicious.