“They’re eating the pets!”
Maybe. Maybe? Are we done with the “immigrants are flooding our borders so they can vote for Democrats” trope.
I KNOW that we aren’t done with the “immigrants are flooding our borders” trope but at least they aren’t trying to vote now? Like they never really were. Except for the Umich Chinese student who has been charged with serious crimes. But since Trump won decisively, I guess we can’t blame the vote count on voter fraud any more.
I will (again) repeat a true story about a local voter who (umpteen bazillion years ago) double-voted. I never met the man but I worked with his daughter in my childhood tech job. The story was that he owned an apartment building on The Planet Ann Arbor but he lived in the satellite village of Dexter. He got mad at something the Planet city council did so he voted in both Ann Arbor and Dexter. GUESS WHAT? HE GOT CAUGHT! His daughter was rolling her eyes in mortification as she told us about that.
So voter fraud happens but it is rare and is never enough votes to sway an election. Which anyone who knows any poll workers in any state KNOWS! [Delete long unintelligible thoughts about elections.]
And immigration? Yes there are issues with it. But I agree with Kamala whose opinion was that our country needs to deal with these challenges while treating the HUMAN BEINGS who are trying to move to our country with compassion. After all MOST OF US HAVE IMMIGRANT ANCESTORS! If you are here because your immigrant ancestors needed or wanted to leave their home country, and Trump’s ancestors were immigrants, as are a couple of his wives, you are obligated to treat those who are trying to move to our country with compassion. My opinion but jeebus.
I cannot figger why a man running for “leader of the free world” would yell and scream about immigrants eating domestic pets in a debate with his opponent. Oh, he saw it on TV. Roight. If you are so frickin’ super-smart, could you not have FACT-CHECKED that? It was pretty easy to debunk. I’m only writing about this because to me it was a pretty egregious display of Trump’s idiocy and I LOVED Kamala’s expression when he said it.
But okay. Done. Here is a well-trained sawyer cleaning up Hurricane Helene debris in an Asheville neighborhood. (He isn’t eating anyone’s pets🤪)
November 8th, 2024 at 7:48 pm
The “eating the pets” was only one of the crazy things that he has said over the years but oh, well. I guess his dementia, frightening and dangerous policies, hatred, name-calling and calls for revenge don’t really matter. I fear for my daughters and grandsons.
November 9th, 2024 at 11:58 am
Many thanks to Bill and Bob for their work in Asheville! We visited there in June, and it was sad to see the destruction there and many other places.