Not political today, I promise
We’re still in the Thanksgiving Leftover Era so I put some mashed potatoes and pork tenderloin in the oven on warm. Then. I have no fresh veggies here today but I could’ve sworn I had a baggie of lima beans in the freezer. I like lima beans, I know not everyone does. But I needed a PDQ green veggie tonight, even a frozen one.
When I opened my freezer, I could not find lima beans anywhere. I looked at the door. It was FILLED with ice packs. The kind that arrive when you order cold stuff on line and since covid, we have received tons of these things. And you save them to use in your camping trailer or schlep grocks up north. Nevertheless, I am frustrated that my freezer is overstuffed with these. I *think* that they do not need to be *stored* in a frozen state. Can’t you just freeze them before you pack your grocks for a trip?
I never did find lima beans in the freezer (they’re on the list) but after about eight ice packs got removed (by himself), underneath it all, I found a pack of frozen peas. That isn’t ideal but it’ll work. And, oh. Then. I remembered that there are some leftover lima beans in the fridge so I’ll combine them with the peas and…
Yes, we eat weird stuff here sometimes. 🤪
December 4th, 2024 at 9:40 pm
I love lima beans. I adored those ones in the can (with ham) but I never see them anywhere now.