We’re gettin’ there…

Actually it’s an old pic. We still have some lights strung on the back of the “puano” (toddler-speak) but a lot of them are burnt out these days. Actually I would like to get rid of the piano…

I had a very grinchy morning. I get like that every xmas. Feeling behind about getting things done and are there enough gifts for everyone? Etc. I started to take my grinchie-ness out on the GG but then I realized what it was and backed off.

Giving (i.e., making a donation) this afternoon put me in a better mood somehow. I got serious about philanthropy when The Commander died and I took over a few of her causes. Sault [Ste. Siberia] Historic Sites, etc. (In case the GG deigns to read this entry, my disclaimer is that I *know* we are NOT “Warren Buffet” and I consider my donations carefully.)

Today an email came in from the Washtenaw Community College (WCC) Foundation and I made a donation. This is an organization that changed my life, even though I wasn’t exactly looking for a change.

I have a college degree (music) from long ago but instead of working in that field (I had no clue where to start), I fell into a tech job. Always an autodidact, I taught myself the BASIC computer language on our original Apple II+. At my job, I figured out FORTRAN. When Al Gore invented the internet [that’s a joke], I figured out how to code html PDQ and made my own (crappy) website along with sites for the middle school science fair and the youth theatre guild my kids (and I) were involved in.

I knew that I wasn’t coding html using “best practices”, so back in the early oughts (2000s), I took myself back to college. To WCC. There I found some of my people. Their web design/dev program was highly esteemed and I found the profs to be absolutely EXCELLENT. As luck would have it, one of my profs decided we needed to do internships as a part of an advanced class. The internship he assigned me to was the only PAID internship. $12 an hour was more than I was making at the time ($0) so with some trepidation, I did the interview and took the drug test. And wow has it paid off as I was hired full-time with a good salary after a couple months.

Community college can be a great opportunity but it’s worth noting that many of the folks who attend are just scraping by and don’t all have the background or support to be successful. I often sat next to a young man with learning disabilities (?) and although he was sincere about learning, I don’t think he could read well enough to succeed and I sometimes wonder where he is now. I would never let anyone copy any of my homework that was for credit (got busted for that in 7th grade in an attempt to be “popular”) but when we did in-class group activities that were not graded, I did let him copy. Laboriously, sigh.

This young man is one of the reasons I donated (and will continue to donate) to the WCC Foundation. And people like him are one of many reasons I do NOT support the Trump party. That party cares only about Trump and all of his billionaire friends. What does he know about a kid who has a learning disability, a disabled wife, a beloved cat, and no car (just a few facts that I know about this guy). Some of these folks do not have the bootstraps I (and Trump) grew up with.

One Response to “We’re gettin’ there…”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I admire how you donate; I too have been generous this year with gifts to libraries and organizations I believe in like Fred Hutch Cancer Center. I’ve also helped some people in financial difficulties. You ended up in a way different place from where you started but what a great journey!