Toadily Roto

beargrizbob.jpgIs about how I feel after the latest 5-hour jaunt down the I75 SUV Speedway. St. Ignace McD’s drive-thru for coffee, Indian River for gas ($3.49), Houghton Lake to drop off a couple of sleeping bags, and a rest area somewhere in the Saginaw/Bay City area. Construction everywhere but no problem with the relatively light traffic.

Froog! Sheesh! Yeah, I could hear your froggerwauling all the way down on the beach this morning. Yes, I know how sad you are to leave Green Guy, Bear, and GrizBob (Bear/GrizBob in pic). But Smokie and Clammy and Moley and all the crew have missed you down here and the little Mousey will be home soon and maybe Pengie’ll come for a visit. Chin up. We’ll get back up there.

Beach Folk: Click on over to Mouse’s Nest to read about her latest shoreline dream. Comments are welcomed.

Houghton Lake Folk: I’m puzzled. I thought that Liz was going to head up there on Sunday but a couple of dishes I left undone (water not turned on) when *I* stopped through there that day were still undone today and it didn’t appear that anyone had been there. Except that there was a *boat* in the driveway that wasn’t there before. Are we now *growing* boats?

Valdemort: No, the gumbo hasn’t changed.

Sayonara for now. I gotta go knock this place back into shape and, unfortunately, that means getting back into a vee-hickle. But I’ve got a *lot* to do for what’s left of this week and Houghton Lake this weekend.

3 Responses to “Toadily Roto”

  1. froooggy Says:

    Gra-a-a-a-a-a-awk! Gra-a-a-a-a-a-a-awk! sniffle sniffle hic

  2. Marquis Says:

    Is Froggy a he or a she?

  3. kayak woman Says:

    I’m not sure if we know his gender.