Impromptu Imbolc celebration
I woke up this morning wondering if anyone besides me would be around for dinner tonight. Should I make enchiladas or not? I did not know. I had a couple other things on my Plum grock list so I ventured out only to find GLARE ice between the porch and Cygnus. I salted the hell out of the worst of it and then made my way to Cygnus and the Plum and the post office where I had a piece of mail to drop off.
After I got home, the GG texted to say he’d be home this afternoon. It was apparently windy as all getout at Hoton Lake. I guess that meant he couldn’t walk out on the lake? Okay.
Sometime in the afternoon, a beach urchin texted to say a plumbing problem had left her with no water. I told her to come on over. In the course of that conversation (which also went to the other beach urchin – “can we come too?” Of course!), dinner plans got solidified and we had turkey enchiladas and salad.
Besides being fun, this also served to help clean out the freezer just a wee bit more. The turkey in the enchiladas was frozen from Thanksgiving. I didn’t use all of it but I will make turkey “tetrahedron” to use up the rest. Also, I had a package of tortillas in there that I thawed and used up today. We’re getting there.
Happy Imbolc/Groundhog Day!
February 3rd, 2025 at 1:17 pm
No water, ack! Glad that it became a good excuse for a family dinner.