Dynamic radio buttons
It’s Friday. A lot of Fridays are kind of easy-going at work. People aren’t there. Me sometimes. Meetings are not scheduled. Today. Long day of meetings. I was not officially scheduled for all of the meetings but I went to the last one, at least for a change of pace. It was okay. I love my work.
It’s a guy weekend at Houghton Lake. Hopefully punctuated by a couple of teenage girls who will whomp the guyz down a bit. I hope. I am not there. I wanted to go north but I needed to work today and didn’t want to drive north during rush hour. Sorry. It’s been a long year of rocket trips. A lot of magical stuff happened on those trips and I wouldn’t trade them for anything but I have to sit here on the planet just for a bit to reclaim my own space and energy in preparation for the holidays and whatever episode is next.
Kayak woman
November 6th, 2009 at 9:33 pm
I know what you mean about recharging yourself and claiming your place before the holiday crazies start. Or are we already in them?
November 6th, 2009 at 11:19 pm
We ARE already in them. I’m feeling the pressure settling around my shoulders. Already.