
softsealLemme see… Places I went today: Jackson Rd. Meijer, Bed Bath & Beyond, Borders Arborland, Jackson Rd. Panera, Viking Sewing Center, A2 Library Pittsfield Branch, A2 Library downtown, Plum Market. What the heck was going on downtown today and what the heck are they building on the northeast corner of the Pi-Hi grounds? If I had a daily local newspaper I might know. But I didn’t even know they had closed the downtown library lot, which is probably my favo-rite parking lot *ever* until a couple weeks ago when I tried to park there. Or not. Underground parking structure? Oh joy. I’ve been parking in that lot for 30 years and I don’t think change is good in this case. Okay, that was a pretty long tangent. I listed a bunch of places I went today. Can you guess where I actually bought something? Besides the food-related enterprises. I am always buying grokkeries and why would anyone go to Panera if they weren’t getting lunch or whatever.

That’s Soft Seal oh-so-gently sticking its nose over my loverly old mailing-taped MacBook to inspect my latest color choices. Soft Seal used to help fidgety little beach urchins take naps or go to bed at night. In my dreams. I do remember snuggling little girls into bed with Soft Seal. I don’t remember whether they stayed in bed any more readily with Soft Seal or not. Anyway, The Commander made Soft Seal a long time ago and it has held up pretty well. I’m not sure what it thinks of those color choices. I kind of like them, what about you?

I still have almost no Christmas shopping done. I have very little time to do it. One of the perks of being a more-or-less SAHM is being able to go shopping early in the day before most of the world wakes up. In fact, I used to get annoyed when I would have to actually wait until 10 AM to shop anywhere but the grocery store. Now? Well, I do not like to shop at night. I hate crowds and I hate waiting in line and… Sigh. And yet. Really, I have to be in a shopping mood to buy stuff no matter what time of day it is. If I am not in that kind of mood, I will just about run screaming back to my safe little vee-hickle and high-tail it home. If I am in the mood, I will be flashing my debit card left and right. I am in the middle this year. I am forcing myself to go out and look around and not turn tail and run. But I am not inspired by anything in the stores. We all have so much stuff already. Sigh.

The gift I want to bestow on my children is that they be true to themselves. It isn’t always easy to start out that way but, in, the long run, it pays off.

One Response to “Hmmm….”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I’m with you–I hate crowds, lines and shopping at night. I’m done though because my expectations (and my family’s) are rather “low” for Christmas presents. Last year with all the SNOW, we felt fortunate to even be able to get together for the holiday. I barely got Ashley and Dan out of Seattle since the (now former) mayor refused to salt the roads there and the hills were indescribably HORRIBLE. I still get shivers thinking about it. How about gift certs to a favorite place, itunes, Amazon etc…? They are relatively painless to shop for.