Random bits of my so-called life.

Liar Liar Pants on Fire (subtitle: I am Woman, Hear Me Roar)

September 9th, 2024 by kayak woman

A while back MMCB2 and I were talking and she (a former school board member) had been asked what a good quality for an elected official might be. I almost immediately came back with HONESTY! Wnich she agreed with (she is a MENSCH). I know that’s a little, I dunno, idealistic and maybe naive? I know that many many politicians are in it for themselves. Still, I would like to believe that they also care about their constituents. Like MMCB2 did. But not all do.

I was busy busy busy at work today but in the mid-afternoon, I heard one of the NPR talk shows talking about Trump and the outright lies he spews and how the news media SHOULD deal with them but usually doesn’t. Two of the most egregious lies Trump spews that I can think of are 1) “Democrats” support “aborting” babies after they are born (alive) and 2) Public schools are performing operations on children to change their gender. The second was what the program was talking about today. Whut?

Um neither of these things are true in any way, shape, or form. Do babies die after being born alive? Yes, they do. When that kind of thing happens, it almost always means the baby was born with a medical condition incompatible with life and the parents decided to carry to term and spend a few minutes/hours/days with their child before saying good-bye. Do people (their parents) kill their own newborn babies? Alas, sometimes they do. When this happens, it almost always means mental illness or maybe a freak accident. None of this is anything that “Democrats” or anyone else supports.

Surgeries on children to change their gender? Whut? Have schools somewhere and sometime in history operated on children without their parents’ consent? Probably. Horrible things have happened (and still do) to children in schools. Surgeries? Nope. Not now. At least not in the USA. THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN! It just doesn’t. What public school nurse is prepared not to mention ALLOWED to do much more than clean a small wound and bandage it? I don’t even think it’s okay for them to provide “aspirin” any more but who knows.

Where does Trump get this stoopid crapola and why does the news media let him get away with spewing it? Some of his “followers” are gonna say something like, “It’s just Trump being Trump.” Sorry, but if you think that you are stupid. I’m just gonna say it, since I have been called stupid by various family members for being anti-Trump/MAGA since the beginning. Nope. He is just a nutcase and not fit to run for president. He only won in 2016 because Hillary was not the best candidate. And I actually like Hillary but that is a true statement. And then his lies (yes, lies) took root in the under-educated MAGA folks and are we ever gonna get rid of the god damn orange idiot?

I don’t wanna let this go on too long so KAMALA, YOU GO GIRL! Beat the shit out of Trump in the debate. Don’t let him Gish Gallop you. I’M SPEAKING! Loud and clear. People are standing behind you. I am not a person of color. I am a WASPy-type Scottish-Canadian-American woman who stands in support of Kamala.


September 8th, 2024 by kayak woman

In the 40s this morning. I was toughing it out (inside) with socks and a polarfleece jacket but when the GG got up he turned on the furnace. I used to get annoyed by that but I have kind of given up. Actually when we first moved in to this place, there was a gas meter in the basement and whenever the furnace was about to start up, it would start SQUEAKING! That drove me absolutely CRAZY (as do all unnecessary noises, loud or not). Not to mention that I was much more conscious of how much money we were spending on utilities (and everything) in those days and that stupid squeak was a reminder that we were using more gas.

Fast forward… We are far from wealthy but we are beyond the point of worrying about how much gas we are using, especially since we both like it a little colder than most people (especially me) so we are frugal by design. And several iterations of gas meters later, no one has had to visit the basement to read the meter in many years and it is now some fancy kind of meter that can be read electronically. They installed those throughout the neighborhood during the pandemic and it was wonderful entertainment.

We had a really friendly gas meter guy way back when so I wasn’t nervous about letting him into the basement but in general, that’s a service model I’m glad has gone by the by. I’ll [re]tell y’all about the “serial killer” Comcast sent out once some other day. Me to the GG (on the phone): I am NOT going into the BASEMENT with him!

It was a little rough around here this morning. It always is when the GG goes to a Lions game, which he is at now at although it DOESN’T START UNTIL AFTER 8 PM!

The issue is taking a vee-hickle down to Dee-troit and parking it somewhere SAFE. I mean mainly from the PO-LEESE who once (years ago) came along and towed the Dogha along with every other car on the street. No meters or no parking signs. It was likely a scam. Despite reassurances from people who have LIVED in Detroit RECENTLY that that kind of thing doesn’t happen any more… Well, the morning was a frantic exercise of downloading apps to pay for parking in various lots/structures. I do not know (or want to know) the details of this. I just tried to stay outta the fray. One thing I do know is that apparently our main family banking institution has been known to CANCEL legitimate financial transactions made in Detroit. It’s not North Korea fer kee-reist.

Anyway, the Twinz of Terror are sending the usual “A -ick” (autocorrect for “chick”) pics from the stadium so apparently they have successfully parked. Never sure why these beautiful young women are willing to pose with the Twinz but here are a few ’cause I couldn’t pick just one.


September 7th, 2024 by kayak woman

I have been to the Plum Market three times since we returned to the Planet Ann Arbor. This is the first time I have seen my mouse there and the first time I have seen her in a month.

I have not been masking in stores since last spring. I debated about whether or not to mask only because I sorta expected my mouse to still be masking and I wanted to be in sympatico. I was relieved to see that she was not masked. We are not finished with covid but I am realizing more and more that with my strategic shopping habits, I am not in close contact with anyone for more than a couple seconds. Except for my daughter.

I organized a family dinner for our daughters and their partners this evening. Filet mignon, pasta salad, corn on the cob, and garlic bread. I got everything either from the Landfill Pantry or the Plum except the corn and a cucumber. These last two items were not worth a trip to the farmers market so I picked them up this afternoon at the Sweet Corn wagon down on the “corner” (in the mini-plaza with the party store and Mexican food joint behind and up the hill from the Plum Market). It was COLD today and I was talking to the lovely young woman running the wagon about the weather. I mentioned that I had just returned from a couple months on Lake Superior and had hoped for a bit more warmth this weekend. Lo and behold, her sister has a place near Brimley, which is just a few miles down the road from the moomincabin. We briefly discussed the rusticity of the seasonal cabins on the beach my grandparents bought 100 years ago, then I wished her well and told her to stay warm.

Chilly as it was, we preceded our dinner with a faaaaar in the back yard. Plenty of good discussion although the character in the pic did not contribute much except for an occasional loon call and some other random noise. At least he was not wearing a MAGA hat this time.

P.S. My daughters did the dishes tonight and one of them gave the Landfill Chitchen sink and stovetop a super cleaning. I so appreciated that. “Chitchen” is what she called the kitchen when she was an emerging talker🧡

Virtual Oscar Tango (VOT)

September 6th, 2024 by kayak woman

I think these are martinis but not sure. For many years, the GG and I would walk (separately) downtown to the Oscar Tango (Old Town) and meet up with our friends of porterization for Friday night dinner.

Y’all know when that changed. We meet mostly via zoom now although we have met in person in our homes (Ann Arbor) and cabins (Birch Point Beach area). I want to meet downtown again but I’m not quite ready for the craziness of a football weekend when people are packed in to restaurants. This weekend is a football weekend. I am not a sports fan but I do love the ambience of a football Saturday in my town.

I’m not terrified of covid any more, especially since the one time I got it, my symptoms were extremely mild. Still, I don’t want to get it again and I don’t want to infect someone else. But thinking about rekindling Friday nights downtown…

Four load laundry day

September 5th, 2024 by kayak woman

1) Moomincabin laundry, towels and stuff, mostly. 2) Landfill bedsheets. 3) Random clothing and whatever from wherever. 4) Towels from the Landfill.

A friend asked me a couple days ago if I ever got Cabin Fever hanging out at the moomincabin for months. Well. No. It is my HOME! Really. Every year at the end of June when school got out, me and my brother would harass our mother to move us out to the cabin. Guess what? Our native Detroiter mom was ready to go too. She issued us both a bushel basket to pack our stuff in and off we went.


September 4th, 2024 by kayak woman

I am sort of a total blank tonight. What did I do today? I watched a recorded work meeting no fewer than three times. I will be watching it again. Then I will be asking if we could SLOW-WALK through the whole issue so that the BA (that’s meeeee) can try to understand it head to toe. I get little bits and pieces of it but then somebody interrupts and sends the whole thing into a totally different rabbit hole and I can’t catch up again.

The Landfill Chitchen is a weeeee bit less of a mess today but it has a long way to go. I think I got rid of about six empty bottles of condiments and other things by “combinding” them with stuff that was already here. Aaaarrgh! Why why why why do we have two squeeze bottles of mayo AND mustard? STOP BUYING THEM!!!! Or at least ASK if we are out of them before buying them. And I have TWO big containers of iodized salt. Why oh why does the Soo Meijer not have small salt shakers? I mean of REGULAR, iodized salt. They have every other kind of salt under the sun. Of course, as a beach urchin said, it would probably be okay to use non-iodized salt for a short time in the summer. I can’t leave salt up there for the winter because it gets all clumped together. Actually I don’t leave ANY food up there for the winter, non-perishable or not.

And on the last trip down to the Planet, I am pretty liberal about just THROWING food out. If there are a few dregs left in a bottle or whatever, I allow myself to dump it, especially if it is perishable. Half-and-half? Orange juice? I’m looking at you.

And MOE-skee-TOES? I had to come inside tonight because they were getting me a bit. At the beginning of the summer, we have them at the moominbeach but by this time, they have pretty much disappeared. But as soon as it starts getting dark on the Planet Ann Arbor, they are out.

That is about it. G’night, KW.

Home again home again jiggity jig

September 3rd, 2024 by kayak woman

Or maybe bumpity clunk would be a better description although the roads were mostly not all that bad today.

We drove tandem today, meaning we were each driving a car. The GG was driving Mooon Yooonit AND he was towing the Lyme Lounge. I followed in Cygnus. It works out best that way. He drives sanely when he tows the Lyme Lounge (he *usually* drives sanely anyway) and I can see him even if we get separated like we often do when someone merges in between us. I mean, not that we have to be always exactly together when driving tandem. We have both driven this route umpteen bazillion times together and singly. But today was a pretty good drive. No rain (or tornadoes) and relatively sane traffic.

I have a MESS in the Landfill Chitchen. It took me two days to undo the moominkitchen and I had five (or six?) bags of grocks at this end of the trip. Plus… The (frozen) stromboli didn’t fit in my refrigerated bags so the the GG wrapped it up in a bunch of towels and put it in with the laundry🤣 I didn’t even know it was in there until we got home. It probably would’ve been okay without all of that but I’m glad he handled it. I “combinded” some of the stuff I brought home with stuff that was AT home and I’ll deal with the rest of it as I go. For example, bottles of tamari and sesame oil and Soy Vay, etc.

I didn’t have a good dinner plan tonight so I went over to the Plum this afternoon to get some pork chops and broccoli to eat with some mini-potatoes that have been hanging around for a while and are still fine but need to be eaten. I was welcomed back by one of my fave front of house staff (K). I’ll probably be doing grock shops over the next few days. It takes a while for me to re-integrate myself into my main kitchen.

The photo is late afternoon yesterday, our last day at the moomincabin. I’m pretty sure we weren’t Porterized at this time but we were a little bit later.


September 2nd, 2024 by kayak woman

I take a lot of sunset photooos from this beach. It faces northwest so in the summer, we see the sun set. This photooo is a sunRISE photo. It is from yesterday morning and this freighter was headed upbound into Lake Superior as the sun came above the horizon behind it.

We are heading south to the Planet Ann Arbor in the morning and even though this freighter is heading in the opposite direction, I like to think of us heading off in sunshine.

I spent yesterday and today soft-closing the moominkitchen. All food is leaving in the morning and the refrigerator has been totally cleaned. I even removed some little buggies that somehow made their way in there during a hatch. Soft-closing means we aren’t shutting off the water or utilities and stuff. The GG will be back to do that.

I got off easy this year. A beach urchin was up for the last week or so and she is an uber-super cleaner. She cleaned the bathroom within an inch of its life before she left. I did clean the toilet bowl today but that’s because it gets stained via our well water. There’s only one kind of toilet bowl cleaner that gets rid of those stains and I used that today. An easy job in any case. My uber-cleaner also swept and vacuumed the whole place and organized some detritus from the upstairs that needs to go away. Like we do NOT need a printer here. I only rarely use the one on The Planet Ann Arbor.

So yesterday and today, I packed all the non-perishables. I threw out some expired things. Like mayo with a 2023 date? In my defense, I did not buy that. It came in from the Lyme Lounge. After some discussion and a mini-argument with a different beach urchin (because I got on the defensive before I figgered out where it had probably come from), we decided that the reason the GG is not dead from eating it is because it’s Kraft and probably has about a billion preservatives in it. I jettisoned it ANYWAY. I am not a huge mayo fan and tend to buy it in the smallest quantities possible. A little goes a long way for me although I occasionally need some for something. Like classic potato salad for example.

I have about two bags of perishables to fill (freezer and fridge) and probably a couple more of random stuff. I kinda hate mucking around with this stuff. I am in a bit of envy that when my parents decided to move into “town” from the moomincabin, they could take as many trips as they wanted to, even leaving a few things out here for a while if they wanted to come out for dinner with Radical Betty or whatever. It was about a 15 mile trip for them whereas mine is 350. But I knew by the time I was about 10 that I wanted to live on The Planet Ann Arbor and that is where I live, therefore I cannot complain.

Things that go thud in the night

September 1st, 2024 by kayak woman

When I went to bed last night, our area was under a marine warning. Storms were rolling across Whitefish Bay through Cananada and up to James Bay. We got some rain here but never any kind of severe stuff. But the WIND came UP, which is one of the main reasons the marine warning was issued.

I didn’t really sleep all that well. It happens once in a while. It was a 3P night, which is VERY RARE for me. Usually I stay asleep and don’t notice the “urge”. All of those P incidents involved going outside around the back end of the Lyme Lounge. One of them involved rain. TMI?

Anyway, the wind did come up after we went to bed, which probably contributed to my unrest. In the morning, a beach urchin who was sleeping in the moomincabin reported some kind of thud or crash in the middle of the night. We live under a canopy of HUGE pine trees here but no one could figger out if a tree had fallen or not…

That mystery had not been solved before she and npJane hit the road for The Planet Ann Arbor this morning (miss them) but as they were mustering to leave, a tree fell on the dog “kennel” in the pic. The Commander obtained this kennel when my brother’s dogs would still visit here after he died and at that point the dogs were kind of a nuisance. The dog kennel didn’t work out all that well for those dogs and they are long dead but the dog kennel is still here. To be clear, I did love my brother’s dogs and I could make them mind. They were not bad dogs. Still, I am glad we don’t have dogs here any more. I love dogs but I haven’t owned one as an adult. Again, I am a one dog woman even on a three dog night.

Just the other day, the GG and I were discussing how to get rid of the goddamn dog kennel. Sell it? Donate it? My favorite option to get rid of things is to donate. But now I guess we just have to figger out how to get it to the dump. Not the Green Bag Dump, the Real Dump. Maybe the RegenAxes can remind us where that dump is. Or the GG will just use his excellent spidey sense dump-finding skills to locate it. Of course we would have to get the cFam Trash Trailer up here to transport it. It’s okay. We’ll manage it.

A little later, the GG was out in the moomingarage building a bench for the North Country Trail and the cousin-neighbor to the east of us drove by our “ice cream/beer shop”. The crash/tinkling noise the beach urchin heard in the middle of the night was one of his doors rattling around enough in the wind such that a window pane fell out. We have the same doors here and as I watched my front door rattle around today, I hustled over to pull it totally shut.

The pic is Mr. Chainsaw. To be clear, he *is* certified as a sawyer. I still went out there to spot him albeit I was a bit late.

Weird facebook situation

August 31st, 2024 by kayak woman

Weird and a bit unsettling but not nefarious.

You know how you get those “you might know this person” friendship suggestions? To be clear, these are not friend *requests*, just suggestions that maybe you might want to connect with some person. Sometimes it’s a random person that you don’t know at all. Sometimes it’s somebody you kind of know or have heard of. I almost NEVER send requests to any of those people. I have plenty of facebook friends and most of those are chosen friends and they don’t usually post anything much. Instead I get ads and MAGA-type memes.

This morning, I got a friend suggestion with the same name as Bad Boyfriend, who I “went steady” with for a while in high school. The freaky thing is that this guy looked EXACTLY like Bad Boyfriend. But. I have a suspicion that Bad Boyfriend does not use facebook so I was a bit skeptical. I looked at this profile. He went to the same high school as I did but there wasn’t a whole lot of information or posts and I felt something was a bit off

After thinking about it for the entire day, I looked at the profile pic again and I realized that what was off was his age. He was not a young man but he didn’t really look as old as Bad Boyfriend would be (a year older than me). So I ended up guessing he is Bad Boyfriend’s son. To be clear, I know that Bad Boyfriend married “early” (to a girl in my high school that he started going out with after we broke up). I know nothing about his family like how many kids they had, boys, girls, whatever. I have not kept up with him at all over the years.

Again, to be clear, this was NOT a friend request. I also did not send him a friend request. I’m almost 100% certain this man knows nothing about me and I am not about to awaken any sleeping dogs surrounding my ancient relationship with his dad, assuming I am correctly assessing the situation. Bad Boyfriend and I both moved on many years ago. I am not really freaked out about this but I have no clue why facebook’s algorithm (or whatever) decided Bad Boyfriend’s son (if that’s who he is) and I might want to connect.

National Beach Day

August 30th, 2024 by kayak woman

Except it wasn’t really the best beach day here, at least not until the “absolute end”. We started out with rain. That was fine but the Twinz of Terror were supposed to meet with other North Country Trail folks and some young Amish men to build puncheon. Puncheon is the boardwalk you often find on trails and it eventually gets really slippery and needs to be replaced.

There were MANY miscommunications between North Country Trail folks this morning. Are we building puncheon or not? Etc. Etc. Yer fav-o-rite blahgger stayed outta the fray by sitting on the deck drinking coffee in the rain doing word puzzles and reading. It’s okay. There is a big roof over the deck and it was warm this morning and she did not get wet.

The Twinz finally decided to join the prodject and although they encountered some rain, it wasn’t overwhelming and they did not encounter electrical storms, which would’ve been a deal-breaker for me.

Me, Liz, and npJane headed to town for lunch at Penny’s Kitchen. Another EXCELLENT restaurant that pods of little old ladies congregate at for lunch. I/we used to go there with my mom and aunts and their little pod of friends and occasionally some male relatives. The GG’s claim to fame is the time he ordered their signature gumbo and insisted (even though it is already spicy) upon adding a ton of hot sauce (even though it is already spicy). Um. Suffice it to say he didn’t finish his gumbo that day.

I won’t bore you with the weather gyrations throughout the afternoon but eventually the sun came out and the beach was warm and npJane and I were sitting on Bill’s Birch Point Beach Bank Bench and Lizard Breath was facing us and there we are, reflected in her sunglasses.

It *is* apparently National Beach Day. Who knew? But every day is a beach day.

Brimley adventures

August 29th, 2024 by kayak woman

Disclaimer: None of this actually adds up to an adventure in any way, shape, or form🐽

The first adventure was accompanying npJane and her smelly garbage to the Green Bag Dump. She has never been to this dump before and I was happy to show her the ropes.

Later in the afternoon, I had a two-fold mission. Figure out where the ATM musheen was in Brimley and obtain some stromboli (and hopefully broccoli) at the farmers market on the res. I needed to hit the ATM first because I wasn’t sure if the stromboli folks accepted plastic. Like a lot of farmers markets, some vendors do and others don’t.

Brimley is basically a one-horse town and I knew where the bank (actually a credit union) was because… A couple years ago I misplaced my property tax bill. I knew when it was due (and it was getting close) so I emailed the township treasurer to ask how much I owed. That got figured out and she said something like, “Just bring the check over to the ‘bank’. That’s where I work.” That worked perfectly. (In case there are tsk tsk type lurkers out there, the taxes were paid on time, I DID eventually find the bill, AND I made a friend💩).

So, okay, I have been to the bank/credit union and they MUST have an ATM, roight? Yes, they do. You park in the back and it’s in the back entrance. Imma gonna guess that’s so it’s available 24/7 because they can lock the inner door. And THAT brought back old, vague memories of the intricacies of locking the Sault Ste. Siberia 1st National Bank when I was a beach urchin and my dad was the “manager” or whatever he was when I was a kid. But I won’t bore you with those.

So on to the farmers market with plenty of cash. Broccoli? No such luck. But I did buy a woman’s last seven ears of corn. I didn’t need that many but it seemed like I might be doing her a favor so we have corn.

On to the stromboli. I bought two strombolis (Italian and pizza) and two chicken pot pies from Karl’s Cuisine at Wildwood Farm. They didn’t take plastic but they did take Venmo. I mostly use Venmo with my kids and sometimes to give cash gifts to others for weddings, etc. Boy oh boy, was I a klutz at using Venmo to pay Karl’s. Thankfully the friendly woman managing the booth was very helpful. I laughed and said, “This is embarrassing!” She tried to assuage my embarrassment by explaining how many people she has to help with Venmo. I said something like, “It’s embarrassing because I work for the online banking industry🤣

Karl’s Cuisine used to be an EXCELLENT restaurant in Sault Ste. Siberia. I’m not sure how it succumbed but I’m gonna guess covid had a pretty good hand in it. I reminisced that I had eaten there many times with The Commander and Radical Betty and their little pod of friends. All gone now. I didn’t try to ask if they remembered my actual mother and aunt. I’m sure there were many little pods of little old ladies who lunched there. I miss the restaurant but the stromboli (I bought some earlier in the summer) is to die for so it sounds like they have successfully moved on.

Flush twice if necessary

August 28th, 2024 by kayak woman

Well, that sometimes happens with Eco-terlet down at the Landfill. It never happens at the moomincabin. TMI?

I was heartened to hear from a day-trip traveler to Tahquamenon Falls that there seemed to be more Harris-Walz signs than Trump-JD signs along the way. This was a totally unscientific survey but the yooperland is largely Trump country although I know plenty of people who live here who ABHOR Trump. I’m in a bit of a bubble in that way. I also know people who support Trump, which I will never understand. So I was a bit heartened to hear about that about the signs but we have a way to go until November and I am not gonna let myself get too optimistic.

I think we really need to call Trump out more. This afternoon I heard someone on NPR say that Kamala was guilty of word salad. Say what? I am not an expert on Kamala’s speeches but, um, TRUMP is the KING of word salad. I can guess that Kamala might try to over-explain various things. I do that. That is not *anything* like what Trump does which is to spew random crapola whether it makes sense or not. I noticed this in 2016 and when I tried to point it out to people they basically looked PAST me.

We need to call him out when he does idiotic, ridiculous things. Why are we normalizing his ridiculous behavior?

The pic was my fave text of the day. It’s Green Bags. We needed more of those. I asked the GG to pick some up since he was going past the tribal gas station today. He hemmed and hawed a bit but my daughter got the drift and she reminded him that they needed to stop at the tribal gas station to pick some up. We’ve had a bit of a fruit fly problem here the last few days and WE NEEDED THEM.

Kerfuffles, mostly minor

August 27th, 2024 by kayak woman

Today started with a minor kerfuffle. It was the middle of the night, actually 5:30 AM but who’s counting at this time of year? It was dark and a storm was gonna roll through. The GG jumped to attention and started closing various doors and windows both in the Lyme Lounge and the moomincabin. I was like, this is gonna be a plassover (although I got up and did woodsP anyway just in case). Guess what? It was a plassover. Right over Whitefish Bay (to the north of us) and into Canananada. So many storms do that. I was wishing for a big one.

And then there was the whole lamb stew/duck breast thing in the afternoon. The GG did a lot of good stuff today including two (count ’em) trips into town. After the second town trip he couldn’t really settle down. He was using his computer and calling North Country Trail folks and rummaging the refrigerator. That was driving me nuts but THEN he started to rummage the FREEZER! What is this? Is it lamb stew? He thought he remembered me asking him to buy lamb stew at Sparrow Meats in Ann Arbor to bring up here. I did NOT remember that. And. This looks like Sparrow packaging but it has SKIN on it so it doesn’t look like lamb stew. And it wasn’t. Eventually Lizard Breath came inside to finish her telecommute for the day and she reminded me that she had schlepped duck breast up from Sparrow. Yes. Skin.

The NPR station we listen to up here in the yooperland covers a very wide area via a number of sub-stations. Severe storms rolled through a whole lot of the area so ALL AFTERNOON I was hearing weather alerts from all over the state, even though none of them applied to the yooperland. But I didn’t hear anything from the Planet Ann Arbor. Then at the end of the day, our mouse texted about all of the severe storms that rolled through Ann Arbor. She couldn’t really check The Landfill because there were MANY trees down between her house and our house. I told her it was probably okay because the last time a tree fell on our house (out of two) our neighbor notified us about it.

And it *was* (probably) okay because our webcam is apparently working, which means we have power. The GG said the street looked flooded and there was debris in the driveway but it doesn’t sound like any trees fell on our house.

Hot hot hot

August 26th, 2024 by kayak woman

And so it was today. Those of us who were supposed bo be working today did our best. The beach urchin did better than I did. That is all I will say.

At the end of the day, the Party Bus came into town. They disembarked, swam, kayaked, and paddle-boarded for a half hour or so and then took off. Blasting their music on the way in and out.

I can only laugh at this, remembering my own youth. My second high school boyfriend (he was actually in college when I started going out with him) would come out to pick me up on dates in his little green Gremlin (The Commander once called it the sprite…). Almost nobody in the yooperland had vehicular AC in those days. When he came to pick me up, his windows were wide open and his 8-track tape player was blaring whatever, often Focus’s Hocus Pocus. We could hear him coming from the turn down at the “pond”.

I didn’t know anything about the music the Party Bus was playing but I was into their vibe.

Of all things, when I first met the GG, he was ALSO driving a Gremlin. His was purple and another thing he was was doing when I met him was cooking a can…


August 25th, 2024 by kayak woman

I took the first pic just before I went to bed last night. Our impatiens were just as bodacious as they’ve been all summer. The second pic is first thing this morning.

Who dunnit? My best guess is deer. The place is crawling with little squoils but I don’t think they are capable of eating that much, at least not in one sitting. And I have never seen Heinrich (snowshoe hare) on the deck. I dunno if the deer came ON the deck or not. I didn’t hear anything on the deck during the night but I could’ve slept through it? I think deer could reach the impatiens on our deck so maybe they just silently walked by and munched along the way. I’m a little annoyed but it is the end of the season.

Mr. Wonderful (just kidding) returned from his North Country Trail (NCT) boondoggle this afternoon as a “rock star”. At least a B-list rock star. He and the Uncly Uncle were there together and as they were walking through the park, they could hear other people talking about them. That’s kinda what you get for being identical twins and, on top of that, these ID twins each led hikes yesterday. Both their groups were on the same bus.

After arriving home and having a nap-in-a-can, the GG took a long nap and then headed out to the garage where he entertained some of the local boyz who were driving or walking by. “I need to open up an ice cream shop out there,” he said. Indeed.

All in all, it was a noisy day. The crows and squoils were going crazy most of the day and other birds (who are likely beginning to migrate) skittered through the yard all day. We had npJane over for dinner and then hit the beach to watch the sun go down.

That is about it. G’night, KW.

Familial beach day

August 24th, 2024 by kayak woman

So the last round of neighbor-cousins left on Wednesday. I kinda expected to give them hugs as they were leaving and I could see them mustering but I was in the BATHROOM when I heard them toot a Master Salute. It’s okay. I am not a fan of long drawn-out good-byes.

Today another neighbor-cousin arrived and GUESS WHAT? She brought one of my daughters north with her. npJane is my youngest cousin on the FimFam side. She was a certified adult when Lizard Breath was born but she and Liz have always (in my opinion) had a pretty special bond and they often meet independently nowadays (meaning without meeeee) for coffee or dinner or in one case, a work-related seminar or something. They don’t work together at all but they are in fields that have things in common.

Pre-COVID I frequently car-pooled with npJane if traveling with the GG didn’t work out. Nowadays he is off gallivanting around so much that I ALWAYS need an automotive vee-hickle so one way or another, I need my own car. Way back when, during a complicated bunch of trips to and from the moomincabin, I needed to get my teenage daughters up here AND our DOGHA (Dirty Old Green Honda Accord, one of my fave cars ever, V6 vroom). Liz had her license but I was nervous about them driving five hours alone without an adult. npJane was also coming north and stepped up to drive the DOGHA (and daughters) up here.

My daughter is a top notch driver who has long owned her own vee-hickles. She has “droven” to California and back and all kinds of other places. But she has been bopping around a lot this summer and I know she welcomed the chance to let another trustworthy person do the driving today.

Today for me was… Laundry, a few grocks, ree-cycle, and gas. Strange albeit friendly cigarette-smelling man on the bench outside the Up North Laundry calling women on his phone with the speaker on (but not his wife who had a “bad day” yesterday?). Pat’s Grocks because I am taaaared of Meijer, not that I won’t go there again. Pat’s plays the best music, Chumbawamba was on today. Ree-cycle and then gas *at* Meijer.

I love how my family meshes and blends throughout the generations. Radical Betty (my aunt) was one of my best friends even though we were not of the same generation. I’m happy that is carrying on.

ta-da dump ta-da dump ta-da dump dump dump

August 23rd, 2024 by kayak woman

The garbage under the sink was starting to stink. If guests were here, I’d’ve dealt with it a while back but it was just meeee so I waited until it was full enough that I could combine it with the other garbage bag into the Green Bag and take the whole smelly mess up to the Green Bag Dump on the res.

I did do that today and I was driving on the west side of Birch Point Loop. It’s a road my grandfather and his friends originally built – or so I’ve been told – but now it’s a nice paved county road. I *think* the speed limit on that part of the road is 35 but it isn’t marked and I don’t really know. But there are walkers and bikers around and I don’t drive very fast. I mean, usually I’m just going to the park store or the dump and there’s no reason to rush because neither of those places are that far away.

Today I was slow-poking along and there was something running/walking/whatever in the road ahead of me so I slowed way down. It was this deer. A doe? I think. No antlers. I was in no danger of hitting it. It was standing there just off the left side of the road. I actually passed it, then I stopped and looked back. It was still there. I s-l-o-w-l-y backed up (not usually a lot of vee-hicular traffic on this road). It was STILL standing there when I got backed up. So I was able to fumble my phone and windows, etc., to get a halfway decent pic.

Sorry but that’s about as exciting as it gets around here. Oh, there was some rumbly thunder in the late afternoon along with some faaarworks over in the direction of the res and a weeeee bit of rain.


August 22nd, 2024 by kayak woman

When I was a kid, I used to think antidisestablishmentarianism was the longest word on earth. Until supercalifragilisticexpialidocious came along. I have not counted the letters in either of those words but I think the “super” one looks longer. Well except it is not a real word.

A meme I loved today, aimed at Trump, was “supercallousfascistracistextrabraggodocious”. I kinda think that “word” is even longer than the Mary Poppins word but I am not gonna count the letters. If you couldn’t parse that “word”, try “super callous fascist racist extra braggodocious”.

Okay. As much as I would like to call Trump a fascist or a racist, I cannot attest to whether he is either of those. He may know what a racist is but I’m not sure he knows what a fascist is. Heck, I can’t exactly define “fascist” either although I well know that my father, uncle and father-in-law and so many other folks mustered to war against Hitler’s fascism (and some other things). One of my points here is that we can’t talk about this stuff unless we understand the definitions of various words, especially all of the isms. And there are many of them.

But Trump definitely IS callous and braggodocious. Callous? Can he run a presidential campaign (or anything) without slinging insults at anyone/everyone he can think of? We all know he can’t because this is his third presidential campaign. Is that a good way to run for president? You know what I think and some of you don’t agree but I STILL don’t understand why you support him. Aren’t you taaaared of him? I sure am.

Going on on to braggadocious? Okay. Just the fact that he compares his appearance with Kamala’s is… Just for one thing, he’s a better looking person than Kamala? Nope. He is fugly. And she really isn’t. But who cares who is better looking and why is this even a talking point? I can’t see that he brings anything to the table with this kind of crapola. Good looks is certainly something he does *not* bring to the table. So why does he talk about it? Does he have nothing substantive to say? No. He never has.

P.S. The pic is optically zoomed in to the sunset with contrails in the sky and the Kaye Barker lake freighter going up or down into Lake Superior, I can’t remember.

No no no no!

August 21st, 2024 by kayak woman

The Obamas are NOT gonna “re-take” the White House. That’s a conspiracy theory. Full stop.

The only reason I mention it is because I was listening to Michelle speak last night when I took this pic.

The rafters are one of my (many) favorite parts of the moomincabin. Looking around I see a few things:

1) A vintage multi-band radio that went into “town” (my family’s winterized house in Sault Ste. Siberia) every winter. My brother had it in his bedroom and tuned it into ship traffic the night the Edmund Fitzgerald went down (1975). He could hear the Arthur Andersen calling it. No response. That radio doesn’t get those channels any more. (And actually it isn’t the multi-band radio. Just an ancient boombox type thing. Hmmm.)

2) A gazillion old books. You can only see the bookshelf where we keep my granddaddy’s old books. Fort and the Forest and all kinds of other stuff. (There’s also a fiber optic thingy on those shelves.)

3) An aerial view of our land with the island out in the middle of the bay.

4) A modern iMac or whatever it’s called. We watched Fargo on it earlier this summer.

5) A hat with reindeer horns that we bought for my old coot a long time ago. It doesn’t say MAGA but my dad may(?) have actually considered Trump if he had lived that long (dead in 2006). He once expressed interest in George Wallace to my mother’s horror. She later became an Obama supporter as I have said a few too many times.

6) I could go on and on but the last thing Imma talk about is that GREEN BAG there. The garbage bag. I was gonna take that up to the res today but I never quite got there but it HAS TO GO TOMORROW because there are little buggies hanging around (fruit fly sized and maybe that’s what they are). I have another kitchen bag to put in the Green Bag and we’re good to go. Just keeping it real here.