Quilt Unfinished Prodject

Whaddy’all think? Will I finish it?


6 Responses to “Quilt Unfinished Prodject”

  1. mouse Says:

    yes. it is too pretty not to be finished. if you give up on it for more than about three days, it might just disappear from under your nose and come back finished but smelling like africa.

  2. Kathy Farnell Says:

    I think that you will get the blocks made. Then maybe the top pieced together. You will then get some batting and baste the backing on. (Try the basting sprays. They work quite nicely.) Then, school will start, and the quilting process may get delayed – but yes, Anne, you will finish your quilt. Hopefully, it won’t take years like my quilts do. (I gave Susie her 17th birthday quilt for her 21st birthday.) Oh yes. That blue fabric would look great with my blue eyes! I know. In my dreams. Love, Kathy

  3. gg Says:

    What about my blue eyes?????

  4. Webmomster Says:

    They’re blue? (j/k)

    You are a brave soul, Bananne – I’ve given up on starting big-huge projects that require that sort of dedication. I’m having a hard enough time finding the time to do the “hack the wood with a power tool, glue it into place, then slap some paint on it” type of projects… it’s been, what, since Feb 2006 since I started the Pergo project, and the trim work is STILL not done!!

  5. Pooh Says:

    Kathy, I’ve got you beat. (If that’s the right term.) I finished and mailed Dave’s quilt for his freshman year at college, but I started it when he was five! I did make several baby quilts in the mean time, but still…

    Oh, BTW, my eyes are blue too.

    I’m working on finishing the top for a quilt for our bed. What kind of basting adhesive do you use? For Dave’s quilt I used an iron-on batting, which worked fairly well. When I went to buy one for this quilt, they were out of stock. They also surprised me by saying that only one side was fusible — I’d assumed both sides were. LOL

  6. Kathy Farnel Says:

    Well Pooh, I have to say that you do have me beat in the “years to complete” department. I still have hope though. I have at least 6 UFO’s up in the closet. Boxes or bags with blocks, an almost complete cathedral windows pillow top, a quilt from 1998 that is “sandwiched” but not quilted … no need to go on. As for basting spray, I have used Sullivans brand on small baby quilts and on a sofa sized quilt and it worked well. Spray it outside though because it smells and the floor/ground next to the edge will get sticky. You don’t want to wash the floor, do you? I have some fusible batting in my stash. I’ll have to see if it is fusible on both sides. I have also layered baby quilts using 100% cotton batting (warm & natural) and I didn’t baste at all. The fabric just sort of stuck to the batting. Worked for me. As for all of us with blue eyes-Get busy Anne. You have only a few months until Christmas!