Do you know where the Fort Street bridge is?

I mean the old Fort Street Bridge, not the new one. I know where the new one is. It is the only bridge Uber Kayak Woman and I did not walk across today, up here in Sault Ste. Siberia. We walked across both Portage St. bridges, Spruce, Johnston, Bingham, and Ashmun. I did drive across the Fort Street bridge but that doesn’t count. Yes, I am a little dingy here at 0-whine-30. Lemme see. Up at 5:30 AM, on the road shortly after six. Patches of dense fog around Vanderbilt, otherwise decent driving conditions. No black ice or whiteout blizzards this time, thank you very much. Coffee with The Commander, UKW, and Grinch. Lunch at Kenny’s Pitchen. A niiiiice looonnnggg walk with UKW followed by a little whine. Supposedly the old Fort Street bridge is lurking about somewhere in the deep, dark, dank, gray-green greasy Limpopo corners of Sault Ste. Siberia. Maybe we will have to go on a Fort Street bridge-finding expotition sometime this weekend.

Tonight is opening night for Mouse’s play, Beyond Therapy. I will get to see it next weekend. You can see her in the promotional video below. Break a leg, Mouse!!!

One Response to “Do you know where the Fort Street bridge is?”

  1. Mac Says:

    Here you go