Yes, I have been boring lately. When you do a daily blahg, it can be a challenge to figger (*definitely* intentionally misspelled) out what to talk about. So, why do I do it every day? Because it is a challenge, of course! And I know that a
whole bunch of people my mother reads my blather.
When I started this post, I had nothing to say, at least nothing to say that wouldn’t embarrass someone (aka, the GG or mom or kids) and that is not my focus here. And then there was an NPR story about preparing high school kids for dealing with finding jobs. How to dress for a job interview. What to say to the interviewer. Yada yada yada. They were focusing on inner-city type kids whose parents don’t always have the wherewithal to help their kids with this stuff. Oftentimes their mooms have cleaned toilets to make money to help their kids get ahead. Although I have a college education and ton of up-to-date job skills, I always have a hard time in job interviews. I struggle mightily with what to say and what to wear, even though I grew up being taught how to dress properly. I know that I can probably do the work. It’s learning the particular systems that apply to the particular situation that I need to learn. Can you say “budaah budaah budaah?”
I thought the NPR article was good. I think that there are plenty of kids who have no idea about how to approach a job interview and they need to know, at a minimum, what clothing to wear, etc. Where I diverge from the whole thing is that I wonder if we are educating our young children in the right ways. Mouse, who is almost 23 now, has expressed the opinion that middle school kids should spend those years working on a farm. Where work has to be done or living beings might die. The kids would learn responsibility in a real way that didn’t involve the often byzantine rules for handing in homework and maybe the ridiculous social structures that start in grade school and get accelerated in middle school would get knocked down.
Oh, and I have cleaned a lot of toilets in my life and I think toilet-cleaning is a skill that everyone should know how to do and one that no one on this earth should feel like they are above doing. That is about all.
March 29th, 2010 at 6:58 pm
My husband did most of his learning on a farm, although he did go to school. His mom supported their family with her small farm and of her three kids, they are all very responsible NOW. (although two of them and my MIL have declared bankruptcy at one time) I don’t know that there is a perfect answer, but the numerous and confusing rules in schools seem to mimic the ones in bureaucracies and life, unfortunately!! When our kids were in high school, many of their friends(and ours) criticized them/us for not making them have a job during school; we countered that we wanted them to be kids and do sports, dance, music, plays. In the long run, it hasn’t made them any less responsible; they both have worked–hung in there at some really crappy jobs. I see many, many of my students who work a lot(to pay for a cool car, insurance, cell phone) and have no time for excellence in school, or participation in clubs or sports. Parents might think they are making them “responsible” but they’re really making them Mini-Adults. (they can’t go back and recapture that time either)So, this Windbag can only say, I don’t know!!
March 29th, 2010 at 8:15 pm
I do believe there is a Faygo Red Pop stain above my upper lip. Shame, shame for letting us drink pop and allowing us not to have jobs from time to time! 😉
March 29th, 2010 at 8:20 pm
I don’t know if the kids are being educated properly but I can say that I like my kids, and I like your kids, and come to think of it there aren’t very many kids that I know that I don’t like. The ones I don’t like are not friends. So, I guess we are doing OK.
Garth E. Courtois Sr. would have been 88 years old today. Happy Birthday, Dad. I hope you are having a party with Mom, Garth Jr., and Don up there, along with all of the rest of your family.
March 29th, 2010 at 11:28 pm
During my brief stint as a UAW worker, I started off cleaning toilets. We had industrial strength cleansers at hand. Some of them were rather strong. After a week of liberally spreading these chemicals around and on the toilet seats, complaints ensued. Consequently, I was immediately promoted to machine operator.