Raise your kids to be eagles, not buzzards!*

Everybody asks, “How is Mouse?”, usually followed by, “Do you hear from her?” As near as I can tell, the answer to the first question is, “fine!” and “yes” to the second. It was two weeks ago today that we drove her over to O’Hare and she landed in Africa the next night. She’s living with a family in Dakar and has various “siblings” and I won’t post what little I know about her family over there in the interest of respecting their privacy. They sound nice and that’s all I care about. There are also aminals around and she likes aminals. And yes, I do hear from her. She has called me fairly frequently either from her cell phone or a phone store. I have not yet successfully completed a call or text message *to* her, either from the blasted landfill landline or my iPhone. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong. I’ve also received text messages and fairly frequent emails. She did not take her computer over there — a last minute-ish decision based on input from others who have been in Africa in recent years. But there’s an internet cafe very near her host family’s house. I am still in server hell but I can code html like nobody’s business, so I’ve added a link to her blahg at the top of this temporary page. Do I miss her? I have no words…

And I *mean* it when I say server hell. I have been trying in vain to move my blahg into a subdirectory on my other host, in preparation for moving the domain name over there. I am following the directions to the letter and even support at the new host says it looks like everything is right. I can get to the database through the cpanel. I could even manipulate it. If I wanted to. I think I would be CRAZY to do that, even though I know a considerable amount of MYSQL. But if you go to the index page, all you can see is a wordpress error. I WILL GET THROUGH THIS!

Well, er, I obviously wrote the last paragraph before I got my blahg uploaded to a subdirectory on mousesnest. Anyway, I am moving forward. But I don’t have a lot of time, so…

*A wonderful quote from a very wise Piedmont clan dad.

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