“It’s been a year of change”
The Grinch voiced my own thoughts about the last year. He was thinking about people and situations that I’m not familiar with but I understood what he was saying. The year of change for me was actually earlier than this year. Major changes. People were dying at a rate that my heart couldn’t quite keep up with. So I just kept trucking on. And on. And on. Somehow, this year was the year I actually *felt* the change. I can’t write about it yet. That’s okay. This weekend we closed the Fin Family Moominbeach cabin on L. Superior. It was an absolutely gorgeous weekend and we were happy to be able to stay at the cabin and party with Radical Betty and Grinch. It could’ve been a lot worse. It could’ve snowed. It’s been a good summer. A particular piece of lavendar beach glass predicted that, along with my own optimism. I could hardly leave the beach today. I just made my brain focus on other stuff. We’re back on The Planet now. Life does go on and I will make the best of it. Change is good. Usually. It could go a little slower sometimes. Click here or on the pic for more random pics. Actually, the Roger Blough (aka Big Butt) was the first boat I saw when we opened the cabin back in May and the last boat I saw today. The Ryerson made a few particularly appropriate appearances. Thanks, bro. Love, Kayak Woman.
September 30th, 2007 at 7:47 pm
*sigh* and I couldn’t make it up there but the one time this summer – and I wound up sleeping most of it (working off that 12-hour time difference between China and Michigan).
Those pictures (and BTW KW, the picture is not a “live link” at the moment) really make me homesick for the random beauty (well, ok, excepting maybe the “Ralph Face” and collectation of wild aminals playing on the ‘puter :LOL: )
September 30th, 2007 at 7:48 pm
…figures, ‘soon as I remark on the non-link, it becomes a live-link… 🙄
October 1st, 2007 at 9:57 am
“now jack, i just want to tell you…”
October 1st, 2007 at 10:40 am
Always glad to hear when there are bad links, etc. And The Comm was coming after me with the knife after I suggested that a head-lamp would be a good xmas gift for her. Long story. 😉
October 1st, 2007 at 5:27 pm
hee hee hee!! We’ll have to have ‘hattans or ‘tinis and hear that “long story”!!! 🙂
October 2nd, 2007 at 4:21 pm
I miss the cabin 🙁
was there much blue air/blue bags closing it up?