I have a really hard time remembering birthdays but Julia’s is easy. She’s our niece and being 10 years and one day older than my Lizard Breath, they almost share a birthday. A special cousin. I have my own special cousin who almost shares my birthday. He’s three years and a day older than me and my earliest memory of him is when I was three-something and he was six-something (plus a day) and we were riding in the back seat of some cigar-smoke-filled Fin G2 person’s car somewhere near Brimley, fighting over who got to hold a leaky old package of smoked fish. I love him *anyway* 😉 grok grok! It’s th’ ol’ Grinchie! grok grok
Julia is a different sort of special cousin. At 10, she was old enough, careful and gentle enough to be trusted to help watch my baby. Play with her and pick her up and get her in and out of her car seat. Believe me, any new mom will tell you what a great relief it can be when someone you trust is around offering to deal with those blasted car seats! Although Liz probably doesn’t remember this stuff very well, she loved Julia and all the extra attention.
We were here on The Planet Ann Arbor and that’s an hour or so away from Julia and her mom. She became a teenager and had lots of other things to do. And so did Liz and Mouse. It got so we would see Julia mostly at the Courtois xmas party or maybe sometimes at Houghton Lake or whatever.
Julia grew up into an intelligent, beautiful young woman who now lives in Colorado. Liz and the GG have visited her there. It’s been eons since I’ve been in Colorado. Happy birthday Julia. We miss you and we love you!
October 25th, 2007 at 11:18 am
Happy Birthday to Punkin Monkey!! She babysat the boys for me too.