I am a great aunt, oh, lemme see, six times over now and it’ll soon be seven. We have three great-nephews and three great-nieces. Soon the girls will outnumber the boys. It amazes me how routine it is nowadays for people to know their child’s gender before birth. That was cutting edge technology when I had the Beach Urchins. I didn’t even have an ultrasound with Lizard Breath. There was never a need. I did have one — one! — with Mouse. I didn’t think it was necessary (long story) but I went along with it. It required a special trip to the hospital, which is where the equipment was in those days. And I had to drink about a brazillion gallons of water beforehand but I’ll spare you those details. Despite my reluctance to endure an unnecessary medical procedure, the ultrasound dispelled any fears I may have had about what had to be one of the easiest pregnancies in the books. We could see that the
baby mousie was developing normally — fingers and occasionally you could see shadowy facial features, etc. The ultrasound technician apparently could see more than we could and she smiled when she asked us if we wanted to know the baby’s gender. I declined. Actually, I already knew she was a girl. I knew Lizard was a girl too. Now if only that technician could’ve told us that our baby had mouse ears and a tail! Actually, maybe that’s why she was grinning so much 😉
The shower I went to this afternoon was for Dave and Jenny, our nephew and his wife-to-be. I got to sit with a bunch of Courtois gals, sisters-in-law and nieces. Nieces who were little kids when I first met them and now have their own children. Nieces who were born after my own kids. I lost all of the games, even the ones of chance. That was okay with me. I had planned to leave with less than I arrived with. I’m downsizing here at The Landfill, dontcha know? Sally won the egg contest at our table. She made her egg look like her brother Steven somehow. I can’t find her egg in that picture. I can’t find mine either. It’s okay. It was a fun, fun afternoon and I watched one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world all the way home on the I696/I275/M14 Freeway Mashup. Er, and risked my life more than a few times trying to take pictures of it with my iPhone.
The GG? He took The Indefatigable to Houghton Lake for the weekend. He raked the leaves there (and here when he got home today — thanks, I was working on it!). There were various walking adventures. He walked to the Northshore and back, the Spikehorn and back, and Ron’s for breakfast this morning. The only problem with walking to Ron’s this morning was that when he got there, it was closed. For the season. So he had to walk all the way back to the cabin and eat oatmeal for breakfast. And then there’s the bit about bottoming out The Indefatigable on a two-track somewhere and messing up the exhaust system. It is now sitting outside Ann Arbor Muffler with a note on it. Those guys will recognize it when they open up the shop tomorrow.
Snow this week? I hope so! Love, Kayak Woman
November 5th, 2007 at 8:44 am
Snow!?? Just in time for my arrival!?? Oh my!!!