Butts up in the blueberry patch

So says Uber Kayak Woman when she comes across a blueberry bush. She has inherited a bit more of the berry-picking DNA than her cousin KW, aka yer favo-rite blahgger. I guess she got it from Grandberry, our grandaddy. He was a champion berry picker.

We didn’t really call him Grandberry as a rule. We called him Grandaddy. But one afternoon when he returned from a wild strawberry picking expotition, he showed his bucket of berries to Radical Betty and some of his other children and grandchildren. Radical Betty and a few others had spent the afternoon indulging in some kind of adult beverage, and she exclaimed, “Look at all the strawdaddies that Grandberry picked!”

Like me, I don’t think Radical Betty got much of the berry picking DNA. But she was a really good sport about just about everything (well, maybe not politicians and real estate developers and a few other baddies) and she could be up for the occasional blueberry picking expotition.

The blueberries are starting to get ripe here at the moominbeach and I have decided I am going to make blueberry pancakes tomorrow morning (and bacon) or die trying. Fortunately I have the help of some others who are, well, better blueberry pickers. We’re picking them in front of the moomincabin. And we’re picking them in front of Radical Betty’s. I know she would want us to use her berries. Although I think she would also want us to leave some for the birds and beasties. I do not think the Grinchie will care if we pick there. He certainly won’t be picking them. I do not think he inherited much of that DNA either. But he MAY benefit from a few pancakes. And bacon.

5 Responses to “Butts up in the blueberry patch”

  1. Sam Says:

    Boo-berries! In flapjacks! And, um, with BACON, geeze, it doesn’t get any better! Wait’ll I get there! (Or not….)

  2. Margaret Says:

    Blueberries aren’t ripe around here yet; we have tons of them in this area, most of them commercial though. I was a champion picker myself and a field boss. I could pick over 100 pounds a day. The money helped me buy my first stereo and first set of contact lenses. 🙂 Blueberry pancakes–yum!!

  3. grandmothertrucker Says:

    I miss picking blueberries with my family when I was little behind the park by the irport at Houghton Lake.

  4. Aimee Nassoiy Says:

    I’m just waiting for my son to deliver some flats of blueberries from the Mainland. . . They are ripe out there, and there are raw berry blueberry pies just waiting to happen.
    Breakfast sounds good!

  5. Kathy Farnell Says:

    Last week I made Blueberry Spice Jam and it is sooooo good. I did not pick the blueberries though. I went to the store and bought them. Hopefully I will pick Raspberries soon and make jam out of those.