My own child, tired and cold.

newyearsday.jpgOnce upon an eon ago, it was the end of a rather cold, wet Halloween Shoe On night. I heard one last trick-or-treater on the porch and when I got to the door, it was a little lavender pony with a rainbow colored mane and tail. She had run one house ahead of her dad and little tiger mouse and she was happy but her little hooves were wet and freezing cold. Come on in, little trick-or-treater, and we’ll put some warm water in the tub and that will warm up your hooves. Not just any little trick-or-treater but my own child, tired and cold.

I told you I would sleep through the new year on the couch and I did. It was wonderful and nobody’s head appeared in the fire although I contemplated photoshopping that goofy, Courtois-y-looking head from the back “garden” in there. Sam mentioned something about fireworks in a comment and I didn’t even hear any of that stuff this year. I did not care! The GG walked downtown and from the lame comment he left on Sam’s blahg, he apparently spent the new year in the Monkey Bar. Hope that was fun. And smoky. When he got home, I moved from the couch to bed, stopping at the doorway to get a couple of snow pics with my iPhone.

Elizilla had a couple of options for spending New Year’s Eve and chose to go downtown with friends, which was a good thing because the other option involved driving over to Megalopolis in the snow and possibly having difficulty getting back to The Planet today, which would be a bad thing because she leaves at 0-dark-30 tomorrow morning. I doubt she and her friends spent the new year at the Monkey Bar, but who knows. It is difficult for a California girl to dress for the weather here in the Great Lake State. For one thing, you really don’t need snow boots out in the bay area so she doesn’t own any. She politely but unceremoniously refused the loan of my horrible, ripped up old boots (note to KW: get some NEW ONES!!!). And so, at 3:30 AM or whenever, the front door opened and my little pony arrived home with, “my feet are freezing!” I rather groggily called out, “wash ’em!” My own child, tired and cold.

And then, I couldn’t get back to sleep. For a while I actually contemplated getting up but that just seemed too weird because at that time on New Year’s Day, a whole lot of people are STILL PARTYING, etc., and anyway, I DO have to get up at some similar time tomorrow morning in order to get Elizilla to Metro. So finally I did go back to sleep and that screwed up my sleep cycle so that I had a hard time waking up again at 6, which is when I WANTED to get up! But I dragged myself out pretty shortly thereafter and had a loverly time walking in the dark in 12 beautiful inches of snow. For once, I actually appreciated SUVs because wherever somebody with great big tires had driven, I could walk in the ruts, but I couldn’t always do that, so my boots got full of snow and my feet were freezing when I got home. Did I wash ’em? Gosh, I can’t remember! I’m not sure when we’ll be able to get out. I mean, we can get The Indefatigable out but I saw one Honda Accord stuck on Westwood (it’s in the slide show) and I would’ve laughed about that but the fact that *I* have a Honda Accord sobered me up a bit. I dunno when they’ll get around to plowing.


11 Responses to “My own child, tired and cold.”

  1. garbage woman Says:

    The garbage pickup for this week will be one day later than usual because of the New Year holiday. Since the garbage pickup is usually on Friday, that means you will have to wait till Saturday.

    Sincerely yours,

    Garbage Woman

  2. Kathy Farnell Says:

    I stayed up until midnight and watched T.V. Doug was snoring. Sounds lke Bill is the ony live one in this State -Besides your pony. Our fireworks in Fenton started a 6 P.M. or so. The dog didn’t want to go out because she is afraid of the noise so I had to go out first and get her to follow me, then run back in and trick her. I felt bad – but not that bad. Yellow snow looks better than yellow carpet. We are stranded until God – I mean the snow plow driver- shows up. He said it may not be until this evening but he’ll get here. Guess I’ll start the new year by working on some UFO’s I have. Datura is 4 years old – 5 in April. Maybe I will give her that quilt for her birthday. Bets anyone? Happy new year to all! Kathy

  3. Jay Says:

    We all made it to midnight, just before you pony arrived home. We spent the evening with friends that live relatively near. Rey and I walked in the cold, but dry, and Carl and Ashlan drove the pea soup and garlic nan over for dinner. A good evening, followed by a reasonable awakening this morning. Rey and I will walk somewhere for lunch. He leaves this PM, but we get to keep Ashlan for another few days. Happy family time.

  4. Webmomster Says:

    I get to keep Valdemort & Nook till Friday (for Val) and probably Sunday for Nook. Val has Spartan Brass obble-gobbles for the weekend, hence the early return… Nook has to pick up *new* keys for her room, because they supposedly changed the lock for her room (her roomie – the ever-losing-everything “Ra-Ra” – lost her room keys several weeks – or more – ago…). The Boyz won’t know what to do once the Gargoyles are gone.

    As for me, I have to go back to work tomorrow….. *bleah*. Can I call in “dead”???

  5. froooggy Says:

    What ‘r’ th’ obb-gobblers? C’n I go with Valdy-mort? grok grok grok!

  6. kayak woman Says:

    I well know that can I call in dead feeling that you get after the holidays. But since I’m just starting a new job, I’m excited. It was very quiet there over the holidays. And that’s not always a bad thing. I used to like it in my later years at CSC/EPA, I could actually get things done without being interrupted. But tomorrow, I’ll be the obnoxious interrupter as I ask innumerable pesky little questions.

    Now, if we can just get Liz to the airport at 0-dark-30 and get more than one vee-hickle out of the driveway tomorrow morning, I’ll be in good shape.

  7. risingrainbow Says:

    There were so many darned fireworks here they woke me out of a dead sleep. I live in the country, you’d think I’d be safe from such stuff. Glad none of my horses got too spooked.

  8. kayak woman Says:

    Fireworks (loud noises in general) used to bother me when I was young. Hanging out with the GG for a few years cured that long ago. Except maybe for the time he lit one off one New Years and it tipped over and exploded inside the house (he’ll argue with me about what actually happened). I do understand that animals can get spooked. How can they possibly know what’s going on and know that they are safe? Assuming that they are safe, that is.

  9. Webmomster Says:

    “obble-gobbles” = “obligations”

    some little nonsense reconstruction of the word that tends to float around in my brain…

  10. jane Says:

    My trusy Honda got me to Target and back yesterday morning with only a little sliding. Although I couldn’t get back up the drive into my parking spot – it would all just pack down into icyness. and I even managed to park in the street overnight without getting totally plowed in! A lovely winter wonderland and a wonderful day to sit inside watching the U-M football game — GO BLUE!!!!!

    Happy New Year everyone!

  11. Emily R Says:

    So, we never stop worrying that our kids are not dressed properly for the weather?