Over the river and through the woods…

We do pretty much the same old, same old for Christmas every year but our Thanksgiving plans vary pretty wildly. Usually we do something here on the Planet Ann Arbor but some years we’ve been in Sault Ste. Siberia, and one Thanksgiving weekend when Mouse was in Senegal, the GG and I spent a memorable weekend at Houghton Lake. This year, we stayed in town here on the Planet Ann Arbor and My Dear Uncle Harry invited us over to Chez Harry for an afternoon dinner. A variety of relatives were in attendance, including his three daughters, my beloved “cuzzints” Pooh, Jay, and NpJane. NpJane lives here in town, so I actually meet up with her once in a while but Pooh is in from St. Louie and Jay from Seattle. And Jay completely missed the loverly Snomg y’all have had out there. Mouse was with us but Elizilla is out in San Fran having dinner with a bunch of friends.

Today, after my early morning skunk walk, you could find me swinging around the Landfill Chitchen cooking eggs benedict (one turkey day tradition that doesn’t seem to change), doing the NYT crossword on my iPhone, and facebooking like crazy! The GG made an emergency run to the Plum Market for a lemon (because hollandaise isn’t hollandaise without lemon, at least not in my book) and coffee from the Zinnnngerman’s outlet in the Plum (because we don’t have a working coffee maker). And then he made that faaaarrrrr in the photooooo, which took off so ferociously I thought he had put gasoline or something on it. (Yes, he does know better than to start a faaarrrr with gasoline 😉 .)

Mouse and I made a beer walk to the Plum at around noon and then we packed up and headed over the river and through the woods to Chez Harry and I don’t know exactly what to say about that. Harry is a wonderful cook and host and another successful Thanksgiving dinner is over and done. Good company. Too much food. Constantly shifting conversations between sisters and cousins et al. Internet surfing throughout it all. Some may disagree with me but I view that 21st century phenomenon as an enhancement rather than a distraction. For one thing, it provides a means for little bits of interaction with friends and family who are in distant places.

It was a gray day here, drizzly in the morning changing to fog and then heavy rain. I love that kind of weather and it was perfect for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Hope y’all had a good holiday. Love, Kayak Woman.

One Response to “Over the river and through the woods…”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I missed out on the beer, but did have a nice dinner. I like eggs benedict! It’s raining here too; I’m so relieved. (until our next round of bad weather) P.S. My husband is stupid enough to start fires with gas sometimes. 😉