Channeling Eeyore on a salty little commute

Somebody on Twitter this morning said that Telegraph Road was just like the Joe Louis. The Joe Louis? What the heck is the Joe Louis? Well, it is an ice rink (and probably other things too). I know that it is an ice rink only because my cube neighbor is a UMich hockey fan and they occasionally play down there. Anyway, freezing rain was in the prediction for this morning but I could not figger this. Telegraph Road is a good 25 miles to the east but still. I had just finished taking my walk and it was as dry as a bone outside here on the Planet Ann Arbor. Only a few little lingering patches of old, rotting ice on the pavement here and there and *nothing* coming out of the sky. In fact there had been a gorgeous sunrise. A look at the weather map showed random blotches of pink throughout the region. My little commute? Salty as all get out! Salt everywhere. Ice? Hmmm… The sky was spitting the teensiest tinesiest little bits of water out. The road didn’t feel icy at all but there was all that salt… Everywhere. I was cautious.

A little back and forth with my Sam on email this morning. That’s Sam the archaeologist, not Sam the dog or Sam who eats green eggs and ham. Er, for all I know my Sam may occasionally eat green eggs and ham but definitely not blue oatmeal. Anyway, I was feeling a bit like Eeyore this morning. Y’all know who Eeyore is, don’t you? Suddenly I realized that I was emulating Eeyore and rather wallowing in it. About dishwashers, of all things. I started cracking up. What an idiot! I apologized to Sam for being all Eeyorey and then I realized I had been a bit Eeyorey with my own beach urchin. The one on the Left Coast, that is. And so I apologized to *her*. She doesn’t generally have much patience for Eeyoreness and suggested that I emulate Tigger rather than Eeyore and so I have been working all day on being a bit more Tiggery, even though Eeyore is as good an aminal as any, just not a particularly happy one.

And so it is Friday. I came home from work and bounced down to meet the GG and some friends at the Old Town Barrroooom in true Tiggery fashion. Came home, took a quick shower and am sitting here in the Back Room with the sliding door cracked open so I can hear the water running down the drainpipe out of the gutters. Old Man Winter is not finished with us yet but it sure feels good to let some fresh air into the Landfill, even for just a few minutes.

Good night,

P.S. Photo credit to Mouse.

3 Responses to “Channeling Eeyore on a salty little commute”

  1. isa Says:

    We also opened our windows today, for the first time in a while! Very nice.

  2. l4827 Says:

    We enjoyed our night tonight at ye ol’ Old Town Barrroooom too. It’s good to have relaxed end of week conversation. We were fortunate that only the south bound Southfield Freeway was closed on our trip from D town. Later, with rain helping (melting), took Telegraph back.
    We can feel summer and that northern lake, beckoning – side by each….:-)

  3. Sam Says:

    Eeyore also becomes Tiggery when listening to the water gurgling in the downspouts and sniffing the freshening outdoor air. Luv ya, KW.