I need one o’ them thar kiddie pools from KMart. Or the Big Lake They Call Gitchee Gumee.
Or I could just turn on the Landfill’s handy dandy central a/c. But that wouldn’t be any fun, would it? Because, really, if you live in the Great Lake State, the scorching heat of summer is welcome after the hardland of the winter. And vice versa…
It was, I dunno, the late 1980s or early 1990s. It was hotter than Hades. Like it is today. We (me and the beach urchins) made an evening tour around to all the neighborhood playgrounds. Yellow-slide Playground. Red-slide Playground. I forget what else (somebody help me here). I can’t remember exactly what our vee-hickular configuration was. I *think* I was pushing Mouse in a stroller and Lizard was riding a bike with training wheels. When we got home from that evening’s adventures, I filled the little KMart kiddie pool with nice cold H
Er, actually, I have got to say that bathing in Gitchee Gumee in the summertime can be lots of fun but it is not fun when it is oh, I dunno, 45 degrees (Fahrenheit) when you wake up in the morning and you need to be at work at 8:00 AM. There were many times when I sucked it up and bathed in the damn lake and I will never forget once when I got to work (at 8 AM) and the big boss Mr. Drysdale asked me if I had gone swimming that morning. This is a whole lot less creepy than it sounds because it was common knowledge around the Tempo store that I swam (in Lake Superior) before work. There were also (many) days when I wimped out and cadged a shower at Radical Betty’s or the White Tornado’s. I always felt kind of guilty about using their facilities and I was sooooo happy when The Commander finally decided that the Moomincabin needed just enough indoor plumbing to support a toilet and shower. And really, that is just about all it does need. It is only a summer home, after all…
But, when you have little kids and it is really hot and you *don’t* have central a/c (and we didn’t then), taking a bath in cold water in a little swimming pool in the back yard gets the job done and it is FUN!!!
Love you all,
Kayak Woman!
July 17th, 2011 at 6:13 pm
Ah, yes, a bath in the yard, great fun, if slightly tricky rinsing…. LOVE the photo!
July 20th, 2011 at 8:28 pm
I have a kiddie pool from toys r us. I bought it for my grand kids but I keep it here in the garage.