It’s just beer tents and music…

Actually, it was Oktoberfest and it was probably a lot of fun but I was hanging by a few frayed threads by the time we got to Washington and Ashley and it’s a two mile walk home from there. Not that long a walk unless you have already worked eight hours and walked seven miles. And untangled a telemarketing mess.

As we approached Haisley (only a quarter mile to go), we heard a loudspeaker and then a marching band. We wondered if it was a pep rally or something over by the Stadium (do they even do those?). And then realized that it was coming from the *other* direction. A football game at Skyline High? It’s a new world.

Finally, a relatively close encounter with the White Skunk. He (?) is a recognizable character these last few years, with a particularly wide stripe.

That is all. Good night.


3 Responses to “It’s just beer tents and music…”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I’ve always wanted to go to Oktoberfest. I love beer! Maybe some day.

  2. l4827 Says:

    After we left yas, ‘Oktemberfest’ (your phrase) turned out to be too cold for cold beer.

  3. Mouse Says:

    Lairi and I were entertained. By the time we’d each managed two beers we couldn’t feel our hands. Alas, we were forced to go for coffee to warm our little paws. 🙂