In which no one wastes any time buying a cheese grater at KMart

We expected rain today (I think) and the morning certainly did not start out very auspiciously. The skies were gray and the temperatures were in the upper 50s or thereabouts. When I started out on my 0-skunk-30 walk, it was pitch black. For some reason, I was a little spooked about bears. There are bears around here but they are rarely seen. What was that!!! A snort! No, it was not a bear. A deer family white-tailed it across the road and into the swamp about 50 yards down the road from me.

It was just about the greenest summer I can remember here in the Great Lake State. By the calendar it is fall now and here is some evidence, although most of the trees in the Houghton Lake area are still green.

I took the red tree photooo at the Reedsburg Dam and it was still pretty gloomy then but then…

We somehow lucked into a wondrous beauteous late-September day. The Uncly Uncle drove The Beautiful Gay and yer fav-o-rite blahgger across the lake in the “green boat” (not to be mistaken with the Green Boat) and we encountered this loverly, seagull poopy boat just before we got to the boat launch facility.

Yes, that is yer fav-o-rite blahgger piloting a trenormous pontoon boat. She did not hit anyone or (ahem) run aground. Actually, she had to be coaxed into even going as fast as 15 mph.

The folks on the front deck of the pontoon boat silhouetted against more sky candy.

When you grow up in the Great Lake State, you grow up “messing about in boats” (via Ratty in Wind in the Willows). Or sleeping in the back of the boat while your parents take a wee little cocktail cruise along the shore. (And yes, this is from the Jurassic Age.)

And here is a view of the past (and future) on the largest inland lake in the Great Lake State. Last March, the Twinz of Terror and yer fav-o-rite blahgger walked across the lake and here are the Twinz investigating an ice fishing operation out there somewhere. We will do this again. And we’ll be saying something like, “remember that last boat ride when it was so gorgeous out on the lake and KW did *not* crash the boat or (ahem) go aground”.

Good night. Sleep tight. I do not have any space junk in my yard and I hope you don’t either.

One Response to “In which no one wastes any time buying a cheese grater at KMart”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Lucky you on the nice day. Ours lasted for a while and then the clouds and sprinkles rolled in. Luckily, I had already mowed the lawn! No space junk here although WA is supposed to be at risk. Why did I not know that??