Nope, no cheese grater in here. A whole box full of old glubs though…
You know it’s fall when you return from your 0-skunk-30 walk at Houghton Lake to this.
And then I turned around. Despite a few chainsaw massacres that I can remember, our lot is pretty shady and it’s hard to get a photooo that shows the Group Home in good light. This isn’t the best but it’ll make Chloe Belle happy. The W’s red cabin is the one in the background.
We took that trenormous pontoon boat that the Sea Hag (aka KW) was driving yesterday over to the boat launch today. Well, the Twinz of Terror drove it over there, I just drove the Frog Hopper to pick them up. We had an appointment with a boat storage pro with a pickup truck and trailer et al, who will dry out the boat and store it indoors all winter. No shrink-wrap here. P.S., we drove the green boat over to the same boat launch yesterday.
We did not find a cheese grater but we found a whole lot of other moldy old goodies that can never be thrown away… Kidding, you guys…
The Twinz of Terror held a last minute ceegar powwow by the lake before the spacebus lifted off back to the Planet Ann Arbor.