
Thank you so much Chloe Belle for letting us crash in your pad last night. It was so much fun watching the Yigers win against the Yankees with you. Hope you have fun in Indiana this weekend. Love.

We lifted off from Chloe Belle’s pad in Gaylord (Grandma Gay lives in Gaylord, hee haw hee haw, git it?) at about 7:30 AM. Our drive from there to Sault Ste. Siberia was gorgeous and the sun was over the horizon when we crossed the Mackinac Bridge.

And so, we got to Siberia early and spent most of the day with The Commander doing chores and running errands. The Squatter’s Paradise, Waste Management, the bank, Amerigas, Penny’s Kitchen (for lunch), Barish Brothers. And the Comm had various visitors, including the Beautiful Jan and a nursing student who interviewed The Comm for an hour. I didn’t want to get in the way of the interview, so I left for a walk and I saw lots of lake freighters going up and down, including the Ojibway.

When I got back from my walk, The Comm was holding court with her [wonderful] visiting student and the GG was monkeying around with hanging up the Comm’s medium-ass flat screen TV. The visiting student left aaaannndddd… one of the Commander’s grandchildren initiated a facebook chat with her.

People are always fixing things up at FV.

We didn’t think we would be staying out at the moominbeach tonight. I figured it would be cold and rainy and windy and yucky. Instead, it was as hot as Hades. So here we are at the beach.

2 Responses to “Octosummer”

  1. jane Says:

    so jealous of the beach time!

  2. Kathy Farnell Says:

    He Haw He Haw. Grandma Gay lives in Gaylord with Bob and their new home in Gaylord is on Bob White Way.