Walkin’ in the winter wonderland…

Sigh. It is the happy happy holiday season and I have been trying for two days now to mail a package to my beloved mother, aka The Commander, up in Sault Ste. Siberia. It is not a Christmas present. It is a phone cable. She needs a longer one. I have this one smallish envelope with a phone cable in it but I can’t just put a stamp on it because I am not sure how much postage it takes to mail it. Usually that’s okay. I just take it over to the Stadium post office branch and use one of the two (count ’em) uscans. It takes about three minutes to process an envelope or package at the uscan and most of that time is waiting for the machine to print the postage. But…

Yesterday morning, I tried to go to the post office to mail my loverly little phone cable. Kee-reist. There was a long line inside. One of the uscans was stuck on a “Windows loading” thing. A fussy little man with four or five packages was *trying* to use the other one. I waited for about 10 seconds and then I muttered something like, “I do not have time.” And I left…

I tried again this morning. Again. There was a long line inside. The same damn uscan was stuck on a “Windows loading” thing. And… Sigh. A sort of fidgety looking old, long, tall, blondish, flaky looking woman had about five clumsily wrapped packages was at the other uscan. Oh, don’t get me wrong, she was taller than me but otherwise not that different. In looks but maybe not consciousness. I waited for about 10 seconds and then I muttered something like, “I do not have time.” And I left… But, fer kee-reist, if you have that many crappily wrapped packages and you do NOT know how to use the uscan, GO INSIDE!

Other than that, we did upgrade our iPhones today. We went from the 3GS to the 4S. That means we skipped a phone. Whatever. My 3GS was still fine, maybe a bit glitchy but nothing I couldn’t deal with. What got me to upgrade was the improved camera. I remember when I had to drag along a phone and a camera and whatever else. I love being able to pull a decent phone out of my pocket or whatever and take a picture. The 3GS (and even our original iPhones) had pretty darn good cameras. I’m looking forward to playing with the 4S.

I didn’t get a first pic with the 3GS two years ago. Actually, we were buying a whole bunch of apple stuff that year. Phones for us and a new laptop for Lizard Breath. It was nuts at the mall and the Apple store that day, so I forgot to get a pic. Today was a little more sane and I remembered to get a photoooo on the way out. Tattoos? Yes, we have an upscale mall here. We also sell sugar gliders as pets at a kiosk in the hall outside Sears. Do not get me started on that…

I have my blasted phone. I hope I don’t have to navigate the damn mall again this season. Good night. –KW

P.S. Y’all are wondering something like, “What’s up with the bagels?”, roight? Wouldn’t you know, I was so busy mucking around getting my apps downloaded out of the cloud onto my phone (and arguing about what to call the new 3TB backup drive we also bought) that I totally forgot to include one of the main points of this entry. Which is that the bagel pic is the first photoooo my old iPhone 2 took back in August 2007. That is, it is an accidental photooo that MMCB took while she was inspecting my phone. She wanted me to delete it. No way!

2 Responses to “Walkin’ in the winter wonderland…”

  1. Tonya Watkins Says:

    Love my iPhone 4S! Camera’s pretty good, too. And Siri is cool and helpful (when I use her, I mean it).

  2. DogMomster Says:

    At some point, when things settle down from Janet’s arrival, Janet & I are going to trek over to the AT&T store to do the upgrade to the 4S for both of us… contract is up, and we can “grandfather” our unlimited data plan, so why not, eh?