Just please don’t swallow any kidney beans. They may come back to haunt you some day.
I started my day at an internet cafe. Actually, I started my day with a shower at the Squatter’s Paradise, a walk down the escarpment, check-in at the hoosegow (where I overheard The Comm identify herself to a couple of nurses as something like “Judy” [uh, noooo, you are “Fran”]), then cooooffffeeee (and internet) at Kenny’s Pitchen. Upon hearing The Comm call herself Judy, I said to the Goddess Sharolyn, who was in the hall, “Sounds like we’re off to a good start today.” Just to make things crystal clear, The Comm was very sleepy when she said that. She is still all there (and then some) and knows exactly who and where she is. And those nurses were wonderful. I heard them very kindly tell her what her real name was and remind her that she had been a teacher. The Comm: Oooohhh, yes.
It was a long hoosegow-ish kind of day and I was up and down according to the time of day (morning being the best), whatever The Comm was doing or talking about and, well, we’ll stop there. Our friend and summer neighbor The Beautiful Barbara (the most beautiful Barbara in the world), invited us out to her home on the Moominbeach for cocktails. When we got in the Frog Hopper to drive out there in the late afternoon, I was feeling so roto I couldn’t even talk. Can I just say that I needed cocktails at Barb’s? I have known Barbara ever since I can remember. I grew up with her kids and she was my first swimming teacher. I loved her when I was a child and I will always love her. Below is the Moominbeach view from Barbara’s house. Tonight a freighter was parked in the parking place over by Bay Mills and weather was moving in.
We came back into town, heated up leftovers and headed back down to the hoosegow again. You know you want one of these terlet decorations.
And finally the snow started in a small but beautiful town at the eastern end of the big lake they call gitcheegumee.
Good night,
January 13th, 2012 at 12:26 am
I say strange things when I’m sleepy too! Glad she’s all there. I heard on the news that some BIG SNOW is heading your way. We may get little snow next week. I’m hoping for a 2 hour delay. 😉
January 13th, 2012 at 7:08 am
Get out your tall boots. Thinking of you.
January 13th, 2012 at 9:04 am
I’m suspicious of ‘terlets’, decorated or not, that don’t appear to be connected to the water supply, and are not out back in an outhouse.
January 13th, 2012 at 10:19 am
about an inch or maybe a little more over night. it is still snowing, although barely. we might get another inch or so tonight/tomorrow.
January 13th, 2012 at 7:49 pm
Not much snow in Linden. Supposed to be over with by tomorrow. Hang in there!