Whar’s mah Tina Fey yard sign?
Oh never mind, I must’ve thrown it in the reeee-cycle. It said 2008 anyway…
Actually, I never had a Tina Fey sign but somebody on my morning walking route had one. I have put up a polly-tickal yard sign exactly once in my life here at the Landfill. It was in the 1990s. It said “Shifrin” and that name belongs to a friend of mine. She lives over across Miller and she decided to run for school board after the existing school board decided to kill the little alternative school-within-a-school middle school that our kids attended. She served one term and then decided not to run again. I have known this mensch of a woman for a long, long time and I know she very honestly and sincerely wanted to work *together* with others to make a difference for our students. Alas, I think she is *so* honest and sincere that some of the [nasty] polly-tickal crap that goes on even at the school board level caught her completely off guard. At the school board level. What is *with* people anyway?
The Landfill is in kind of a backwater of a neighborhood so I’m not sure if my yard sign attracted any votes for my friend or not. What it did do was freak out my beloved old neighbor Hans (who died last summer). He thought it was a real estate sign and that we were selling the Landfill! Yikes! No way Hans, we are not selling the Landfill and moving into some big fugly McMansion somewhere. We *like* our neighborhood and our little woods and, uh, our neighbors.
So, today we are having a loverly little primary election here in the god-forsaken Great Lake State. There is all kinds of excitement about this election but I’m not sure any of it is excitement about the actual candidates and/or their political platforms. Nope. There’s this whole cross-voting thing. I’m not gonna detail it. You guys either already know about that or you can google it.
Did I vote? I’m not gonna tell you. That’s my business although I will admit that sometimes I do report my vote right here on my blahg. This time, not so much. The 2012 election is just crazy so far and I am watching in fascination and horror. I am very interested in hearing what our young adults have to say about this and I am also wondering what people older than me think (and remember about elections past). I do know what The Commander thinks thought and I know who she was planning to vote for in the 2012 election if she lasted that long. She sat up and watched the entire 2012 State of the Union speech on TV. I fell asleep…
Wintry mix? We could’ve stayed “Up North” another day if we had wanted to. But we didn’t. We had made a dent about dealing with stuff in the Squatter’s Paradise and we were watching the *weather* and today was the day to drive. The forecast for tomorrow just about everywhere in the north is horrible and it isn’t even all that great for the Planet Ann Arbor except that the temps are supposed to go up to 50 tomorrow here. So, no ice… We had wonderfully dry roads all the way and sunshine when we got down here. Smooth trip but the Frog Hopper was full and when we got home we dealt with unpacking pretty directly but then we were both pretty dern taaarrrred…
February 28th, 2012 at 8:07 pm
Taaarrrred—I understand taaarrrred. Glad to hear you are downstate safe & sound.
February 28th, 2012 at 8:47 pm
We’re expecting a possible wintry mix tonight too. Add that to the stress of our latest medical news. Not good.