
It’s really “ab absurdo”. I think the space is significant in Latin (and the law term). And I don’t really understand what it means. The GG has been using the phrase since I first knew him. And he probably actually understands what it means but please don’t make his head swell too much <wink>.

I did take Latin. Boy did I take Latin. I took Latin from Mrs. Velde, a WWII concentration camp survivor from Latvia who somehow landed in Sault Ste. Siberia. She was one of those good old strict teachers that we all loved to hate. She had a paddle in her room but I don’t ever remember her using it. I got As in that class but really, the first language besides English that I truly understood was FORTRAN. And I remember when she gave me a “pass” about reciting the day after I got into my first vee-hickle accident (and only, except for when the kid with the fake leg sticking out of his trunk pushed me and the Indefatigable up over the barrier in the Commie High parking lot). That first time, I was on glare ice right in front of our fave funeral guy’s funeral home. The parents saw me and my vee-hickle in the funeral home parking lot as they were driving home. Not fun. For anyone.

So, what ab absurdo has always meant to me is something like just a little bit more absurd than absurd and even though that is probably not correct, I named my blahg that. And that is how my life sometimes feels. When it doesn’t seem stultifyingly boring. More often than not, my life seems both absurd *and* stultifyingly boring.

And so today after a long boring drive down the I75 SUV Speedway, we arrived at the Landfill to find a spinning wheel on the porch. I can only guess who left it there. There are three (count ’em) spinning wheels here now and I am beginning to feel a bit like a spinning wheel depository. And that’s okay. Except that there are a few sewing machines and looms and pianos to deal with in my future. More than I have room for here at the Landfill.

One Response to “ababsurdo”

  1. Bill Courtois Says:

    Overtly absurd is one definition. Another describes ab absurdo as a form of argument where someone says that just because you are wrong, they are right. So… an evidentiary suggestion or statutory interpretation that is, or leads to, an absurdity.