A series of boardings with an ending in a different country


5:59 AM EDT: boarded the Mean Green Frog Hoppin’ Musheen.

6:47 AM EDT (or thereabouts): boarded (after some fumbling) a shuttle from the long-term parking.

7-whatever EDT: boarded a security booth-thingy and got yelled at for not knowing what I was doing and not immediately following her barked out orders. Which I didn’t hear / interpret as English words.

8-something AM EDT: boarded Delta flight 1249.

Whenever: took off.

11:15 AM PDT: boarded a Seatac trainish kind of thing to baggage claim.

11:30 or so AM PDT: boarded a rental vee-hickle shuttle bus.

Ca. Noon (or thereabouts) PDT: boarded late model Chevy Impala — with outlet for plugging in flagging lucky-shuckial computing devices.

10 minutes later: aminal feeding time and regrouping at a Panera somewhere south of Seatac.

Afternoon liqwire-buying spree at the Anacortes Safeway. (Had totally lost track of time by then.)

4:50 PM PDT: boarded ferry to Lopez Island.

2 Responses to “A series of boardings with an ending in a different country”

  1. Kathy Farnell Says:

    Sounds like your trip has gone fairly well. You took off, you landed, you got your car, you got to Anacortes, and you got the booze! I am guessing that you made it to Lopez Island and you are loving the scenery and the company of your relatives. What more can you ask for? Have a wonderful time!

  2. Margaret Says:

    Busy, busy!! Weather is a little too hot for me right now, but hope you’re enjoying yourself. I’ve never been to Lopez Island.