Knight’s tonight with the GB Fins, Dogmomster and Valdemort. The wait was an hour and a half [because we didn’t bother to make reservations] but we hung out around the bar, doing our best to keep out of the way of the beleaguered wait-staff threading their way through the crowd. It was typical Knight’s, beloved despite the wait. Reminded me of the old Forsythe Science Fair days.
I was able to palm off a few little treasures and other items upon various people today and now, Lizard Breath (who is spending the night) is going through all of my old record albums — the ones I was gonna give away — and we are playing some of them and I am becoming convinced that I cannot dump them all off at the re-use center after all. Sigh. I am currently listening to the Supremes cover all kinds of other bands in one of their first albums. The strange thing about this is that I own this album because my rather conservative (at the time) parents bought it for me on a trip to Dee-troit that I didn’t go on. What possessed them and how did they decide what to buy? I liked the album but I probably would’ve chosen something different. Still, they tried, and I did like the album.
Knight’s claim to fame is as a steakhouse that serves ginormous drinks. I am glad that we can walk there… And I was glad to make way for several people throughout the night who were struggling to navigate the place with walkers. I remember when The Comm was using one and hating that she needed one with all the vitriol she could muster. As for Knight’s, one of my fave memories is when I was having breakfast with a bunch of middle school mom friends somewhere and my friend V and I were blathering about Knight’s. Another woman finally said, “Well… don’t a lot of Republicans go there?” V and I stopped dead for a minute and said, in unison, “Well, yes!” That was a long time ago when the Republican party was not quite so filled with loonies but still.
Done. Good night.
January 6th, 2013 at 12:40 am
It sounds like a very good night!!
January 6th, 2013 at 9:22 am
Would you fling the albums, if you could copy the music to digital form?
January 6th, 2013 at 9:41 am
That was the general idea but some of the more “hipster-ish” folk are interested in old formats like vinyl and cassette tape, etc. I protested that a lot of my old albums are wrecked from playing the same song(s) over and over and over again and the “kid” said, “Moom, those are the best ones!” [wink] [grin]
So, I caved. For now…
January 7th, 2013 at 8:26 am
Hey, if they want the records, then you don’t have to worry about them “having to deal with them later”.