Mumbo Jumbo
There is no way I can even begin to write a coherent post today. Sam had a nice post about the state of education in the USA that made me want to do a little ranting but I’ll save that for a rainy, ranty kind of day. So, here’s a blow-by-blow, more or less, of another day during another holiday weekend at the Houghton Lake Group Home:
- Got up and walked “around” the point.
- Scrounged the refrigimatator for breakfast materials and put a breakfast together for six, more or less.
- Checked email and read my regular blahgs.
- Kayaked around the point and into the canals, one of my favorite places in the Houghton Lake area.
Was forced
at gunpointto take a powerboat ride. 😉- Went to The Limberlost to get a drink (this was during the powerboat ride) and sat around for something like 15 minutes without attracting the attention of a server.
- Left The Limberlost without being served anything. Note: I do not recommend The Limberlost and refuse to ever go there again, thankye veddy much. 🙂 Amazing how many Houghton Lake area bars/restaurants are getting to be on that list… Either that or they have suddenly closed! 😯
- A lot of light reading. You know, MySQL and stuff like that.
- Figured out what to eat (me, Gay, and Kathy). And we’re scrounging leftovers and stuff from the rather random contents of the refrigimatator.
- Walked again.
- Blahggin’.
Ding ding ding! You won! If you’ve read this far, you get the prize! And the prize is, 20 Questions online! I tried “flute” and 20Q guessed it after 19 questions. I beat the game with “kayak.” 🙂
September 4th, 2006 at 12:34 pm
SELECT * FROM Lakeside Activities ORDER BY Amount of Enjoyment INNER JOIN Relatives, Food, Fun
(MySQL humor.)