The good, the bad, and the ugly

huronriverUpon reflection, maybe it was just the good and the ugly. I think we skipped right over the bad today.

The good? A beautiful walk on the Washtenaw [County] Border to Border Trail this morning. We hiked a familiar segment today. We parked down at Barton Dam around 7:00 AM and hiked from there to the Northside Grill for breakfast. They were all decked out for the Mardi Gras and our waitress was rocking around like crazy. I loved her. An early riser after my own heart but I bet she is tired tonight.

Walked back to Barton Dam on the *other* side of the river and then walked the Barton Trails and *then* took a mini-ride along the river and accidentally found the Fox Science Preserve, a Washtenaw County nature preserve. We didn’t hike it. We had already hiked at least five miles and at that point, I was kinda enjoying my seat warmer… But we’ll go back.

Alas, the day deteriorated into a word that ends with “x” but does not start with “s”. I hate the rummaging around for the IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS. It would be cool if our financial institutions only sent us the important stuff. I am learning [slowly] what that means. What it doesn’t mean is monthly paper statements. I used to be meticulous about saving every monthly statement for every account. I think if we saved every monthly statement for every account we have, The Landfill would be crumbling under the weight of the paper. There are people who disagree with me…

3 Responses to “The good, the bad, and the ugly”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I hate that t-word because my husband always dealt with them and I have no clue! It does seem like I’m still missing lots of important documents.

  2. Jay Says:

    I am so ready to finish our taxes, and have to wait until the end of the month to get one final document (hard copy or electronically).

  3. Pooh Says:

    I was semi-frantic trying to find the one piece of paper that would make the most difference to our taxes. Mark was helping me sort through the piles of paper Saturday morning. (Hugs to you, Mark.) I went out to run some errands, and there it is sitting on the dining room table. “You found it!”
    “No, it came in today’s mail.” I only took 5 minutes to put it into TurboTax, but it knocked several hundred dollars off what we owe. I’ll have to finish to see what else we can do.