
skiingMan, did I need that! I can’t remember the last time I went x-c skiing. I know it was sometime the winter of 2011. That’s two years ago. Last year? Well, first of all, there wasn’t a whole lot of snow here in the Great Lake State. Also, it was the winter we said goodbye to The Commander and I spent a whole lot of time hanging around at War Memorial and Freighter View. I did a lot of walking during that period — up and down the escarpment to wherever The Comm was. It helped me keep my sanity. Skiing? I didn’t even have enough wits about me to haul my skis up there.

Despite considerable panic on my part yesterday, we did end up driving to Houghton Lake this morning. I knew that x-c skiing was in my immediate future and I was actually *dreading* it. Could I still do it? Would I be able to schlep myself up the hills? Would I break my neck going down the hills? Would I have to struggle to keep up with the others? Not to mention that it was borderline too warm to x-c ski today. At least in my book. Would it be one of those days when it’s so slippery you find yourself slipping backwards with every glide? Would I get too hot?

I forced myself to haul my skis across the highway and put them on. I told the GG I was going to go off by myself. We had six skiers today, of widely varying levels of experience. I have a *lot* of experience but I do *not* consider myself a pro, plus it’s been a couple years…

I started slowly and even a little shakily. “I’ll just go out to the Trapper’s Cabin and see how it goes.” I got to the Trapper’s Cabin and, guess what? I was A-okay! I wasn’t winded and I was even starting to get back in to the groove! I kept going! I did the Manitou Trail. The GG caught up with me about halfway around that. He had been kind of wondering where I was. I shooed him on ahead. I was *digging* being alone, getting my x-c ski mojo back at my own pace. And I was okay! I didn’t get tired or hot going uphill. I snowplowed the downhills. But I was doing okay. I met up with the Twinz back at the Trapper’s Cabin where I re-waxed. Then I did the Adventure Trail and Rolling Hills, including the new/old “trail extension”. And then I was done.

I felt absolutely totally utterly fantastic! Like I had actually done something. Warm and almost kind of glowing. I couldn’t believe that I had almost bagged skiing today. Using every lame excuse in the book. Why? I do not know. I was not the fastest skier today but I was far from the slowest. I suspect I will have some sore muscles in the next few days but it will be that lovely “thank you for using me” kind of sore.

We have a full house tonight and The GG is hankering for a ‘hattan and things are getting loud and confusing in general. G’night! Be careful and please don’t hit black ice, whether you are walking or driving.

3 Responses to “Aaaaahhhhhh…”

  1. Jay Says:

    I love the tired muscles for a good reason feeling.

  2. Margaret Says:

    Yes, you will be sore, but it’s not an injury type ache, more of “you haven’t used me recently” pain. I need to go to aerobics to get back to that kind of shape. Running only hits a few muscles. Glad it went well. No worries about black ice here in nearly tropical WA. 😉

  3. jane Says:

    I too love the tired muscles feeling, although I haven’t had that feeling for months. And not because I’m in great shape – quite the opposite!

    Was it a klister day?!? always a mess. 😉