Draggin’ [rhymes with “mass”]
I was looking for the photo of me and my brother standing next to a giant snowbank up in Sault Ste. Siberia back in the 60s or whenever. I couldn’t find it (hello, 30K photos?) so you get this one of Lizard Breath in our front yard on The Planet Ann Arbor back in the 80s. When I was a kid in Siberia, the snowbanks on the extension (is that what you call it?) between the sidewalk and the street were even higher than this one for most of the winter and they got hardened enough that we used to *walk* on them.
Here on The Planet Ann Arbor, we had a “measly” seven inches of wet, slushy snow earlier this week, the most snow in one storm for the whole season. Even though it’s supposed to get a little colder in the next couple days or more, it won’t stick around. It’ll be March tomorrow and as nasty as March can be, winter is on the downslide here.
That said, I am draggin’ ass this week. How do I count the ways?
I have been chasing a load of laundry all week and no it is not because Froggy has been hiding it various places.
I have had to walk to the Plum Market to forage for food twice (or is it three times) this week. I love walking to the Plum Market but… Must. Get. Organized.
My hair? It’s getting to be that season when my hair feels like a strawstack. Need a haircut. (I’m looking at Mouse and she is hiding right now.)
Also need help with my loverly amaryllis. (Mouse is peering out of her hidey hole.)
That mess on the dining table? I started to triage the latest batch of The Commander’s belongings earlier this week. Save forever? Give away / sell? Trash? I have made no progress. Heck, I’m still chasing a load of laundry. One stinkin’ load of laundry.
The Sequester? It’s just an annoyance to me. All of you politicians, getcher act together. But you won’t and it’s easy for you to dodge it because everyone in the country is suffering from crisis fatigue. That’s a bad thing but I am fatigued too. I’m tired of hearing the constant analysis. The sequester is not likely going to put much of a dent in my rather humble lifestyle but it may for others and I do not understand why it makes sense to lay people off who have government jobs. If people are working, even if they are working for government entities, they are buying things and paying taxes. Laying those folks off also makes a dent in the private sector, because those folks cannot buy cars or make housing improvements, not to mention food and shoes and things. I am a fiscal conservative but we need to ratchet back government spending slowly and carefully. I could go on (and on) but I won’t.
Oh, the Pope. The Pope? I am not Catholic (or even Methodist any more). I like to joke that one of my lots in life is large Catholic families. Friends that I grew up with and the wonderful family that I married into (who have always happily accepted a heathen like me). As an outsider, I think the Pope did the right thing, realizing that he couldn’t do his job effectively any more and [maybe?] not wanting to have his assistants do it for him as his physical and mental state deteriorated. There may be a few politicians who could take a note here.
February 28th, 2013 at 11:59 pm
Crisis fatigue is a good way to put it. I have it too. Hope your weather goes into spring soon. My crocuses are poking their heads out. Our winter has been very mild.