Tolerance, please
A little rant to start out, okay? North Carolina, what is up? You really want a theocracy? Really? Why? History is not my strong suit but it was DRILLED INTO MY HEAD as an elementary school student that the “founding fathers” created this country with the idea that its citizens could belong to any religion they wanted to (or not) without any oppression, coercion or whatever. Theocracy? Afraid of Muslims? (Just a guess…) I am afraid of Muslim TERRORISTS! The ones who fly planes into buildings. Guess what? I am also afraid of Christian TERRORISTS! The ones who blow up big buildings with manure bombs. I am NOT afraid of all the regular Christians and Muslims and Jews and Jehovah’s Witnesses and atheists, etc., etc., that I live and work with. We CAN and DO get along together. I hope that this ridiculous North Carolina “resolution” is just some sort of stoopid political stunt. I didn’t know that voting Republican was synonymous with being Christian. It certainly wasn’t back in the Jurassic Age when my parents pulled the GOP straight party ticket lever. I sure don’t want to have a bunch of Catholic Bishops or faaarrr-n-brimstone evangelical preachers telling me what entity I have to worship and how I should conduct my life. No thank you. The golden rule just about does it for me, even though I can’t say I always live up to it.
Sorry. Had to get that outta my system…
I am breathing a bit easier tonight because I got two-and-a-half of four picky little procrastinator things out of the way today. Even one [half of] of the things that required me to make a phone call. Uh, I do not do phone calls if I can avoid them… Fortunately, I was met with good cheer on the other end, even at this very late date. Now I just have to package some stuff up in the morning and mail it. No, I didn’t deal with the damn bank account yet. But I will…
All of that said, there’s always the alien in the Back Room. There he is at The Mother Ship and I am still not sure why I call it a mother ship because I have had my own independent laptop since the year 2003. The Commander bought that loverly laptop (which still lives) for me. Long story that I won’t tell tonight but, before I got that laptop, we had one computer, a family computer. It was a loverly strawberry iMac (remember those) and during the day, it would be meeeee sitting there at the computer. In the evening, I would give it up to the beach urchins and crash on the couch with cranberry juice in front of old Taxi re-runs, etc. Those were the days…
April 3rd, 2013 at 11:07 pm
Sometimes I feel like the world has gone insane. Are people really that afraid that they would take away the freedoms that this country was founded on and is known for. Sad and also terrifying!