Happy Birthday, Little Munchkin
And if you are 24, then that makes me, oh never mind… And a late 22nd to Valdemort. How the heck could I forget? Probably because I was distracted by wrestling with a slug-filled, exploding box. Off to cube-land, more later. Updated to add a few more pictures (click here or on the pic) of my little “iron butterfly” (i.e., she’s tougher than she looks) from a trip to Florida back in the dark ages. This trip featured the little lizard’s first stay in a motel room as a sentient and independently mobile being and boy, when we got up to leave at 0-dark-30 the next morning, she made dead sure that she stationed herself out next to the Jetta as we were packing. No way was she gonna let us leave her behind! Not unlike a certain dog I used to know.
October 23rd, 2008 at 2:28 pm
happy birthday baby girl… wait… she’s grown…. what happened? I remember her being born on my old wedding anniversary… wow….. anyway, she turned out pretty darn good!
October 23rd, 2008 at 7:51 pm
Cute kid!!! Turned into a gorgeous 20-something!