Colors I don’t see when I walk in the dark…
I really don’t have anything much more to say about today. I mean, I walk by this bush every blasted day but I don’t ever see what color it is because it is black as the ace of spades when I walk by it. I talked to one of my MacMu cousins on facebook today and I don’t think she has ever visited the moominbeach and maybe didn’t even know about it. We’ll have to fix that! How self-centered could I have possibly been all my life that I didn’t realize that a cousin of mine has never been to the beach I grew up on? Not that her life isn’t wonderful without the dern moominbeach, because it is. Just, well, in which the five-year-old KW does a double take…
November 2nd, 2013 at 8:51 pm
That’s a very beautiful plant. If your cousin doesn’t have all those wonderful memories you have of the beach, will it still be special to her? Just wondering.
November 2nd, 2013 at 9:46 pm
I guess what I was trying to say was that I always assumed all of the cousins on The Commander’s side of the family had visited us in the yooperland. Talking to my cousin tonight made me realize that wasn’t true.