Tiggers don’t jump, they bounce!
Vintage vee-hickle, vintage dog. I *think* that I finally have all of the family photo archives in one place (unless there are any still hanging around at my late brother’s house) and I am now in the beginning stages of sorting through them. This task is overwhelming. I am just about OCD enough to want to scan every blasted photo and negative in the world, even the really crappy ones (and there are plenty of those) and those where I have no idea who the people are. The Comm (and others) labeled some of these things but most of them are not labeled. Why is it so dern hard to throw photos out, even if you don’t know who / what is in the photo?
I suspect that The Commander had ideas about organizing the photos. There’s even evidence that she began that complex and arduous process. Alas, she ran out of time and I have what I have. As I make my own way through the fambly fotos, I’ll make as much sense out of it as I can and I will work to keep the OCD monster back in the shadows where it belongs!
Along the way, there are random little gems like this one. Yes, I know it isn’t the best picture anyone ever took (and I’m gonna guess it was yer fav-o-rite blahgger who took it but I’m not sure…). But boy oh boy does it bring back memories. I posted this elsewhere (fb) as being taken in 1965 but I’m not really all that sure about the year. That’s the VW bug that my old coot coveted and finally bought. This vee-hickle was the first true “second car” that our modest little family owned. For a while we were the prime users of a fancy jeep thingy that my grandparents bought and didn’t really get along with for reasons I don’t remember (or maybe wasn’t privy to). Anyway, it lived in our driveway for a few years and yes, we did use it.
I like that our old green VW is in the photo but look! There’s the back end of Ozzie (Green Thumb) McInnis’s house and his garage in the background. And the Heron’s (spelling?) house behind that, with a new garage being built. I remember Philomena Heron telling me that I was a heathen and she was gonna say “rosie” for me. Rosary of course. Fine, Phil, I hope you are still saying rosie for me wherever you are these days. The alley between Superior and Kimball Streets is just on the other side of that fence at the back of Ozzie’s yard and the houses that you can’t see are the Oberman’s (we still see Bill when we shop at Barishes) and the Waisenant’s. The Waisenant boys — four of them — were ROCK THROWERS!!! Not fun to pass by their house if Billy or Johnny were out. (They’re prob’ly lawyers now, snort snort snort.) The white house in the right background was the Woods’s house and across the street to the right from that house, where you can’t see, is the Ping[a]tore block, where my grade school BFF lived.
Wow, I didn’t leave a lot of room here to talk about Tigger, the dog that was my bestest friend ever for so many of my childhood years. I was deathly afraid of dogs and she was a stray puppy. I have told that story here before and I will probably tell it again someday but not tonight. I think she looks regal in this picture.
November 24th, 2013 at 8:34 pm
Tigger does look regal. That VW is green? (must be very light) I absolutely hate scanning and avoid it whenever possible.
November 24th, 2013 at 9:17 pm
Was the Jeep thingy that we would lay in the back driving up Birch Point Road making sounds that would vibrate with the road?