Sneak peek at a Landfill Thanksgiving
It was a potentially dicey drive from Detroit this morning but Lizard Breath made it safely in Ruby. What you cannot see (or hear) in this photooo is that Mouse and the GG were bombarding her with a turkey gobbling sound clip on their iPhones. I’ve been randomly hearing that gobbling sound throughout the day, although once or twice I confused the sound of Mouse’s sewing machine with the gobbling noise.
Mouse travels with her own kitchen and sewing musheen. She’s making her own costumes for an upcoming play and I love those crazy lamps but I’m starting to think that THREE is too many.
We were going to have mimosas but these entities beat us to them!
And then they came over to harass yer fav-o-rite blahgger… (This could potentially be a good facebook profile pic except that it shows Froooggy’s, oh you know, butt hole…)
The GG turned on the Lions football game but then got distracted by a little scanning prodject and I am posting this loverly photo of Sputnik’s track through the night sky for him. Photography by The Gumper, aka Grandpa Garth.
Here are those mimosa-guzzling entities again, waiting impatiently for their food. The platter has a story, one that I kind of forgot about until I posted this on facebook and Our Northern Correspondent jogged my memory. We were up in Siberia the fall after The Commander moved to FV assisted living. She was actively working on making her new living space work for her and one of our missions that weekend was to find her a small rocking chair. We eventually found one (which is now at the moomincabin) but along the way, I encountered this tacky but loverly turkey platter in an antique shop. I coveted it but didn’t buy it. We spent Christmas with her and opened gifts in her apartment and I was very surprised to receive the platter. Given the size, shape, and weight of the box, I was figuring somebody had found my old Drawing Board. (*I* later found the DB and it’s at the moomincabin.). Turned out that she wanted to buy something for me but didn’t know what (I certainly didn’t need anything!) and couldn’t easily get out to shop. Shopping was something she had always greatly enjoyed. The GG remembered the turkey platter and enabled the whole thing.
I won’t post a whole bunch of food photoooos. Lemme see: turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, dressing (cooked outside the turk), cranberry sauce, and this loverly brussel sprout / red cabbage saute-type thingy. It also has pecans, scallions, dried cranberries, pepper, and a drizzle of Besteman’s maple syrup. I had a hankering for frog legs earlier today [wink] but I spared those entities. Oh yeah, and a few mini cakes and pies from the bakery in the Plum Market because life is too short, don’tcha know.
Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one and especially wishing peace for those who are missing loved ones this holiday.
November 28th, 2013 at 8:03 pm
My Dad captured three time-lapse photographs of “the Sputnik”. I remember that many of us were in the back yard of the Royal Oak house when he took the pictures – looking off to the North East. That must have been sometime in 1958 (Summer I think). Anyway, the pictures were processed in August with instruction to the developer, “Three time exposures of the sputnik to be printed as well as other prints”. The other prints were of Kathy Courtois and her new haircut.
November 29th, 2013 at 12:02 am
I LOVE the sound of that brussels sprouts dish–YUMMY!! I don’t like mimosas, but Ashley loves them. Glad that Liz got there safely. We might get snow next week and I’m dreading it.
November 29th, 2013 at 1:50 am
Mmmm, those brussels sprouts look (and sound) amazing! Yum!