Greetings from the Great White North
First a little selfie (that banned word everyone loves to hate) of yer fav-o-rite blahgger and Mouse.
I was working from home and Mouse had the day off so she came over to this side of town and we walked to the Plum Market for a few grokkeries and a cuppa coffee at Zingerman’s. Weather apps reported temperatures all over the place. This app (on my phone) was definitely nowhere near the ballpark:
It was actually still below zero at this point. Eventually, when it got up to zero, I went out and faaarrred up the Ninja for a good bit of Egregious Idling. Er, that is, I tried to faaaar it up. I wasn’t sure it was gonna kick in for what seemed like five minutes but was probably more like three seconds. But then it caught. I *think* my cute little vee-hickle is still using it’s its original battery. Yay for the Ninja!
Here’s a shot of Mouse as we were walking home. She is proud (and should be) that most of her nice warm outer garments are handmade — by Mouse herself! That coat has no less than FOUR layers! Doesn’t that street look loverly? Don’t let the 35 mph speed limit sign fool you. 55 on a dry day, baybay. (Roads were TERRIBLE this morning — glare ice everywhere — but I won’t go there, just glad I got to and from work without incident. Even the speed demons were crawling along for the most part.)
There is plenty of [snow] mountain climbing on the way to and from the Plum Market these days. Here’s a loverly shot at the back of the parking lot. (I didn’t actually have to *climb* that mountain, most of my “mountains” were more like a couple feet.)
Oh yeah. Yesterday… Our stooopid wifi issue is fixed. The GG spent at least four hours on it last night with no success. I was feeling really growly about it this morning and then I thought to myself something like, “He’ll probably think about this in the back of his mind all day at work today and I bet it’ll be fixed directly when he gets home.” And it was. I walked to the Plum Market after work and by the time I got back it was fixed. Which means he maybe worked on it for five minutes today. I dunno why this stuff is so hard that a computer scientist and a systems analyst have to go through so many gyrations to fix it! I can blahg from my phone or ipad but I just got fed up…
January 8th, 2014 at 9:27 pm
Dang, that is a LOT of snow. Even without the plowing “mountains.” I hope it warms up soon so that it isn’t such an effort to do everything! Glad the GG got the issue resolved. I don’t have a smart phone, so I would be as my parents like to say, “Shit out of luck.”