Birthday birthday birthday … Birthday birthday birthday … Birthday birthday birthday.
Oh, not mine but boy oh boy were a lot of people born on this date. I can think of three of them right off the bat. A great-niece, one of my all-time fav-o-rite cuzzints aka the Mean Old Grunchie Old Grinchie, and Our Northern Correspondent. I would’ve forgotten the first and the third if it weren’t for facebook even though it seems like ONC and I have the same conversation every year aka “oh that’s right you and the Grinchie have the same birthday”. Who am I fergittin’? HB to all!
I’m starting off the new year on the wrong foot by being a slacker. We have some actual overnight guests tonight and I abandoned my job in the mid-afternoon so I could be home when they arrived. I am also an absolutely terrible host. There is no food in the Landfill except for a bag of Scoops that I bought for the GG. At least they are not stale since I bought them over the weekend. I am also not very conversational but that’s kind of how I roll sometimes. Fortunately Mouse came over to help me entertain. I guess I need to take lessons from TBG or try to channel The Commander or Radical Betty or somebody. Those fine women would all have snacks out and be offering whine or cranberry juice and discussing pertinent topics and everybody would be laughing their butts* off. It’s a tall order for yer fav-o-rite blahgger when it comes to that particular set of skills especially when her poor little pea-brain is filled with the details of ACH files. Oh, it’s okay, I’ll liven up when we head downtown for dinner at the Jolly Pumpkin.
And maybe that is all for your daily dose of blather, all of my [five] loverly readers!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to report that the Soo Locks closed today. That means it is officially winter in the rugged outpost of Sault Ste. Siberia.
*Hey, a recent NYT xword had the clue “Not cover one’s butt?”. Answer? “Go commando”. Not sure how that one slipped through the breakfast test.
January 15th, 2014 at 8:14 pm
Sang on an answering machine for the Grinchie, HB to the others as well. One handed hostessing lately (typing as well). I do fine with tea, but boy do I love the guests that look at my splint and do the dishes for me. One handed dish washing technique is improving, but way over rated!
HB well wishes to all born on this day!
January 15th, 2014 at 8:56 pm
I’m very sociable, but it depends on how I feel. Sometimes I am NOT in the mood. My husband was worse; he couldn’t make small talk to save his life. 🙂
January 15th, 2014 at 9:30 pm
Happy Birthday Anne!
Bob & Gay
January 15th, 2014 at 11:25 pm
Momentous! The locks are closed…thanks for the info…. HB to those today, and pending HB for a special someone tomorrow.
January 16th, 2014 at 8:21 pm