Five trips to the hardware store, two trips to the Plum Market, a Meijer run, and a couple trips to REI and I still don’t have a new trash receptacle in the Blue and Only Bathroom

Put it on your own blasted LIST, KW!


I was about to say that the GG is the only person who drove an automotive vee-hickle today but then I remembered that Iiii-ee-iii-ee-iiii made the Meijer run. Anyway, after all those hardware store trips, the GG has completed a cool little home-improvement prodject. I prob’ly shouldn’t say out loud what it is. I’m not sure about the REI trips, something about underwear. You probably do not want to know.

I’ve been working on my own little prodject today and that is most definitely a secret [wink, tee-heeee]. That was in between all the usual cleaning stuff I do on Saturdays, lots of running up and down the stairs to the Landfill Dungeon and bending over to get things and clean stuff, all the while enjoying the spry-ness of a new decade.

I cooked today! I haven’t cooked anything since about Tuesday. Or maybe I just heated up leftovers on Tuesday? I don’t consider that to be “cooking”. Oh not that I am some fancy cook or anything. I am certainly not. But we went out to eat on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and if we had not changed our plans for today, we were tentatively scheduled to eat out tonight too! It’s a long, confusing story but this year’s No Politics Day has kind of been a rolling event as it was difficult for both beach urchins to get here on the actual day (not that I expected them to). After some early celebrations on Wednesday, we had dinner with Mouse on the actual day and figured we’d take Lizard Breath out this weekend when Mouse had to work. I was kind of thinking The Quarter Bistro. But then I got an idea! (I do get those some times!) We’ll take the ongoing No Politics Day festivities down to Detroit. And Sunday would be a good day for that and there’s this auto show going on and we can go to that and go out for lunch. And so we changed our plans and then things got even more fun and exciting when the GG got a call from a relative who usually isn’t anywhere near The Planet Ann Arbor and of course we are including him in our plans for tomorrow! It’ll be so much fun! And I am cooking at home tonight!

Mirro Cooky Press? This apparatus was a part of my childhood. Every Christmas it was used to make cute little Christmas tree cookies. Going through The Commander’s stuff, we haven’t come across it. Maybe she gave it away. If she did, that’s okay. She owned it, therefore it was her prerogative to do what she pleased with it — without asking meeeee. Wherever the Mirro Cooky Press is, she apparently saved the booklet that came with it and I am happy that I have it!

It is so hard to de-acquisitionhoard. I’m glad The Comm spent so much time getting rid of things so that I didn’t have to. But of course there was still a lot of stuff and I am forever grateful to the GG for dealing with the bulk of that while I was trying to deal with my job. Still, there a few items I remember from my childhood that I wish I could find. Maybe some of these little booklets are enough. I love them whether or not I know where the cooky press is. How do I know what things my children will treasure some day when they are going through whatever stuff I haven’t pitched? I don’t. I can only do what I can do.

I wonder if The Comm’s big plant (the beach urchins know the one) will still be around…

3 Responses to “Five trips to the hardware store, two trips to the Plum Market, a Meijer run, and a couple trips to REI and I still don’t have a new trash receptacle in the Blue and Only Bathroom”

  1. Jay Says:

    It (Mirro) may turn up yet.
    We are still trying to find things we know we had, and can’t imagine having sent elsewhere.
    And thanks for including travelling folk in you plans.

  2. kayak woman Says:

    Love you Jay!

  3. Margaret Says:

    Oh, I hope you are getting to see Rey–what fun!! I love how close your family is, in spite of the geographical distance. The weekend and the celebrations sound wonderful!! Enjoy yourselves on your adventures.