Let’s go! Let’s go! L-e-t-s-g-o!
I didn’t chicken out today. We have a certified Kitchen Lady coming over to the Landfill at 11:30 tomorrow morning to take her own measurements (thank you very much!) and billions of photooooos. She warned me that she would want to take pictures of what’s *in* my cabinets. I am okay with that!
I liked this person. I liked her from the moment she said she had just eaten ramen noodles and made a snarky remark about what a wondrous brunch they made. It was just the kind of thing I would have said if the only thing I had around to eat was ramen noodles and she said it in a very KW over-the-top snarky / friendly tone of voice. When I mentioned the Blue and Only Bathroom, she said, “I had the Pink and Only Bathroom”. “Had” is an operative word here but I knew that she *got* it! We weren’t exactly finishing each other’s sentences (“other’s” or “others'”? The Great Google does not provide quick / easy answers. Grammar mavens?) but we had plenty of common ground and we shared personal information but were also able to get back on track. I liked that. And she was zippy. Like me. But not in that pinhead way.
I hope I’m not just being giddy about this. I know we have a slodge ahead of us and there’ll be moments when I’ll be hanging my head in despair or more likely screaming!!! KW, grow up already. Alas, I still have those moments. As awful as they are, they are a reset for me. I almost always feel better after they are done. Onward and upward.
January 20th, 2014 at 8:22 pm
I’ll miss that weird 70s colors kitchen but… hurray!
January 20th, 2014 at 8:44 pm
I want changes and improvements but HATE the chaos that they require. I’m waiting to hear from my master bathroom guy. It will involve a HECK of a lot of work from me, especially when they go to paint the closet along with the bathroom. Ouch. Other’s unless there is more than one other.
January 21st, 2014 at 11:16 am
what’s the name of the company/woman you went with?
January 21st, 2014 at 12:31 pm
Good for you! Yes, it will be a slog and will take longer than you expect/hope, and it WILL be chaotic, but be brave and bold! (And go forth, and all that jazz!) Lol