Red and [harvest] gold

I knew that I had some photooos of the old red and gold kitchen floor that was here when we moved in. It matched the red and gold cabinets, of course. I’ll have you know that today after work, I crawled over and around stuff and dredged through all manner of photo albums to find one. As a bonus, you get a blurry Mouse when she was a brand new walker.


And here’s Lizard Breath sitting in her fave spot on a small bookshelf (that I don’t think I have any more but maybe it’s in the dungeon) at the end of the old wooden table while her baggy old moom gets dinner ready.


Today? Progress looking east toward the back room. Old “window” is gone and wall is mudded in. Lights! Two out of three LEDs installed. More lucky-shuckial work. I dunno what else.


And finally, a westward view. The refrigimatator will be on the left where that ladder is.


Whew! I am beat and I think we’ll go out to eat tonight. It’s still pretty dern cold out, not that the cold stops the GG from grilling. But tomorrow is SUPPOSED to be quite a bit warmer. Dunno if that’ll actually happen or not. One of the other [many] times we were told it’d get warmer, we had a damn BLIZZARD on said warm day. It was 13 degrees this morning with a bit of new snow on the ground but I am trying to be optimistic about tomorrow. I am dying to be able to go out without suiting up in 15 layers and I am sick of YakTrax.

5 Responses to “Red and [harvest] gold”

  1. Sam Says:

    Aha. I was wondering about the refrigimatator location! That’ll make for a different activity pattern for you, with it at the opposite end of the room. Can’t wait! รขโ‚ฌโ€ Oh, and stay warm!

  2. kayak woman Says:

    My activity pattern will indeed be different but considering that I work in multiple chitchens throughout the year, I’ll find my way! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Jay Says:

    It’s the initial turns that you make when going to get something, and then realize it is not in that direction at all.
    And where, in fact, is it?

  4. Margaret Says:

    It is looking very good and like progress is being made. Yay!! The red and harvest gold–so 70s! Love it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. isa Says:

    omg I LOVED workbooks…