Magister mundi sum

ripplesAccording to Twitter, today is my 7th anniversary with that service. A little hard to believe. I joined quietly and for a while, the only people who followed me back were kayak boys (and a few kayak women). After all, my Twitter handle is @kayakwoman, of course. I posted random tweets about what I was eating for lunch doing.

At some point, I ‘fessed up to various family members that I was “on Twitter” and for a [short] while, Twitter was *the* place for family members to connect. I remember one particularly awful day. We were heading to the Cfam xmas party at the Lord and Lady of Linden’s in an ice storm and I was just beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel following a nasty pre-xmas vomiting bug. I was feeling well enough to check Twitter on my iPhone and one of our nephews was tweeting updates about who was bailing because of the ice storm.

Well, then there was the time that the LSCHP King set up a Twitter account just so he could ping me up on the moominbeach during my vacation. He wanted to make sure I would be available for a “team bonding” expotition to a Star Trek exhibit down in Dee-troit. Cube Nayber was saying, “You could just *call* her.” No, he had to Tweet me. Nothing like getting a tweet from your boss while you’re sitting on the beach! [grin]

Facebook came along and the family jumped over there and so did I. My Twitter habits morphed and I now use it mainly as a news / info feed. I follow a number of newspapers and magazines and various design sites — and Lake Superior, Pope Francis (his Latin feed), and God or whoever. I hardly ever see tweets from anyone I know in real life. My own tweeting habits have devolved considerably and I mainly tweet when I have something totally off-the-wall to say. Things that are too snarky or cryptic for facebook, for example. If I want to post a photo somewhere and it isn’t quiiiite right for facebook, I put it out on Instagram. Life is complex these days.

The photoooo? Houghton Lake a couple weeks ago. Cap’n Jim took me and TBC for a sloooooowww ride along the shore in the Pontoon Bote.

One Response to “Magister mundi sum”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I stick with FB and blogging. I’ve flirted with instagram because Alison is over there and sometimes puts up photos and descriptions that I wouldn’t see otherwise. (she’s off FB and it looks like for good) Twitter does seem good for news; the people who use it always are way ahead of me on what’s going on, especially natural disasters and such. I’m not sure that’s a good thing. I am a total failure at Linked In and pinterest. 🙂