Grok grok grok squee-grok! We’re goin’ t’ Alferony’s house! Grok grok!

4 Responses to “Grok grok grok squee-grok! We’re goin’ t’ Alferony’s house! Grok grok!”

  1. Pooh & le Marquis Says:

    Love the new words to the HP song! Not everyone can rock that song the way you do. –P

    Okay Froggy, send me your glamour shot and resume and I’ll get back to you. We’ll do lunch, yeah lunch sometime … –M

    Happy Thanksgiving to all our MI friends and outlaws! — P&M

  2. isa Says:

    “is froggy getting cooked for thanksgiving dinner?” -your red-headed daughter.

  3. Aimee Nassoiy Says:

    Rock on Froggy!
    Do we get the Grinch song for Christmas?
    A (green) Happy Thanksgiving to all! (Sans frog legs on the menu)
    I just pulled an apple crisp out of the oven, going to let it cool while I walk with a friend.

  4. Paulette Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving all! Just came from an afternoon visit with Radical Betty. We laughed and talked and decided that the skies are a bit too gray for us today. Mmmm…apple crisp. Have you started on your Christmas greens, oh Froggy? Any Christmas day-core for you?